10 Different Ways to Garnish Your Halloween Drinks |

10 Different Ways to Garnish Your Halloween Drinks

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: October 22, 2022

Halloween party at your house and you need spooky drinks for everyone. Take a pen and paper and start making notes on how to give the exotic Halloween look for your drinks.

Hosting a party or a dinner you have to serve different drinks and slushies to guests on Halloween night but your drinks should also scream that it’s Halloween season.

You can make amazing drinks and turn them into a Halloween look by adding and using some edible items differently. Whether you have to make drinks for adults or your kids all of them can become completely Halloween-style with some creativity.

We have amazing tips you can garnish your Halloween drinks that will make them spooky and hypnotic for everyone to gulp down quickly.

Read below the ways you can make your drinks Halloween style:

1. Color:

Halloween is also a season of dark colors and we use dark colors on Halloween night so how about turning your drinks into dark colors?

You have made your drinks for the guests, now add dark edible colors to your drinks and give them a full Halloween spirit. You can use black, blue, purple and orange, green, and red colors to prepare your drinks as these are dark colors and will make your drinks very dark to look at.

If you want to give spooky look to the drinks, then go for the dark colors with the darkest shade like purple, blue and black, and green.

Using these colors will make your drinks look like a witch’s potion and will make your guests go wow! and would be so hypnotic to take it down for everyone and it would give a feeling of Halloween running in your veins.

2. Chocolate Syrup:

Chocolate is the most common item to garnish your drinks on Halloween.

Chocolate and chocolate syrup are always a big win on drinks. Making drinks for kids like shakes or for adults all drinks can be made amazingly with chocolate on top of it.

Take chocolate syrup and put lots of it in the glass until it goes down to the bottom, this will completely cover the top of your original drink and will make it look dark from the outside. You can also put chocolate syrup on the rim of the glass which is a quite simple style.

Add some shredded dark chocolate or a piece of milk chocolate to the drink. Cut some dark chocolate into long pointed pieces and place it in the middle or side of the drink to make it Halloween-style.

3. Crushed Cookies:

This is a very simple way to decorate your sweet drinks.

Take some cookies and crush them into very small chunks and powder and spread them on top of your drink and add some chocolate over it and it will give the best sweet taste to your drink.

You can also mix the crushed cookies with chocolate syrup and make a thick texture of them and can add some chocolate chips as well and put them on top of your drinks.

Chocolate and crushed cookies on top of the rim also look great.

4. Fruits:

Making drinks that are fresh and not using fruits in them is a great mistake.

Use fruits in your drinks, slice them in half, and add them to the rim of the glass which is a classic exotic look.

You can just simply add them to your drink which will increase the taste together. Crushing the fruits and mixing them into the drink is also a great idea and will make the drinks even tastier.

Some of the fruits that you can use are cherries, berries oranges, apples, leeches, strawberries, limes, and peaches. All these fruits are sour and sweet and will make your drinks more amazing.

5. Edible Glitters:

Halloween is all about dark colors and fun around when everything is dark then add some glitter to make things shine up.

Edible glitters are a great way to make your drinks shine and give them an appeal of luxury in the hands. When you have made your drinks and have poured them into the glasses for the gusts, add edible glitters on top of the drink to make it look extra special and luxurious for the guests.

You can also make a spooky figure of glitter in your drinks and for that, make a shape, like a ghost or a witch on paper and sprinkle glitter through it so the shape can be brought on the drink.

6. Sugar Crystals:

Sugar crystals are very simple and can be used to garnish drinks very easily.

Sugar crystals either simple in clear color or in dark colors both can be used on the rim of the glass to make your drinks look amazing. You can also make rock candy with sugar crystals and put them on a wooden stick and pour them into the glasses for Halloween drinks.

7. Whipped Cream:

Whipped creams are also a great way to add Halloween finished look to your drinks.

With whipped cream, you can make ghosts with open eyes in your drinks. Whip some cream and then add it on top of your drinks in a dis-oriented shape and put two chocolate chips on it to make eyes on the ghost. You can also sprinkle cookie crusts, coffee, or chocolate on the whipped cream.

8. Coffee Powder:

Coffee is always great to use to add strong flavor to drinks.

Put grounded coffee on top of the drink or in the bottom of the glass to add a pungent, sweet, and bitter taste of coffee to your Halloween drinks. You can also make a witch’s shape on your drinks by sprinkling coffee on top of the glass.

You can also make instant black coffee with caramel sauce inside it and can add caramel to the rim of the glass.

9. Jelly:

Jellies are fun to eat and take in with drinks and especially with those drinks that are dark-colored and deep.

You can add strawberry and blackberry flavored jellies in your drinks so that they stay floating in the glass and it will be fun to take them down with the drink. You can also put jelly-like candies that are bought from the market and can use them in the drinks. Jellies would give a fruity and sour taste to your drinks.

10. Peanut Butter:

You can use peanut butter not only in your drinks but also it can be used to garnish your drinks.

Take two or three tablespoons of peanut butter and heat it on the stove to make it into liquid form. Put the melted peanut butter on top of the drinks or wrap the rim of the glass with it and you can also add some shredded almonds on top of the melted peanut butter.

If you want a simple peanut butter garnishing, just simply use a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, slice it in half, and put the chocolate on top of the glass.


Before Halloween night, make a list of all those drinks that you are going to give to your guests, and then make use of these above tips to best garnish your drinks. This year, make your drinks taste the touch of Halloween.