4 Intriguing Tips to Design a Toy Packaging

  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Posted On: April 25, 2022
  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog

Toys have long been known for making children happy. Parents frequently buy toys for their children as gifts for their birthdays or special holidays such as Christmas. The toy department was always a kid’s favorite area to go in any supermarket since it brought them a distinct kind of joy.

The toys have to be appealing and seductive for this excursion to be worthwhile. Because children adore their toys and are so devoted to them, they never throw away the old ones. Parents may find it challenging to deal with their unending affection.

To make it easier for both kids and parents to participate while also decluttering the situation, these toy companies needed to come up with interactive, intriguing, and user-friendly packaging.

Toy packaging, on the other hand, is more difficult to hack than any other product packaging since children are moody and will only choose a toy that looks attractive or matches their favorite show. This can be accomplished by employing custom toy boxes, which can be made in any shape, size, or design that a company desires.

Given that children are the intended audience, here are some intriguing pointers to consider while building personalized toy boxes:

Choose The Right Material for Your Boxes:

What blunders a bad packaging material can cause cannot be overstated. The packing material that a company uses should be carefully considered. They should consider whether the packing can sustain the weight of the products and will not bend when subjected to external pressure.

If a brand chooses unsafe or flimsy materials, it will not only make your product dangerous but will also ruin your brand’s image among customers. Climate change is unavoidable in this world, but it can be slowed by using sustainable packing materials.

According to data, packaging containers and packaging generate 82.2 million tonnes of waste per year. To minimize costs, firms are turning to custom packaging solutions, in which environmentally friendly materials are extensively employed to create durable, safe, and secure packaging.

Due to the thickness of the material, custom toy boxes made of cardboard are particularly secure and strong. This is an excellent choice for product security as well as environmental stability and can be employed using custom packaging solutions.

Age-Restricted Specifications:

Kids are usually mischievous and are constantly doing something unexpected. The most important thing for every toy company to remember is to keep their packaging age-restricted. If you are a brand that creates packaging that is unsuitable for children under the age of three, you should state this explicitly on the package.

Furthermore, if a toy company is manufacturing toys for toddlers, the packaging should be devoid of plastic because children may try to eat it or place the box over their heads, causing suffocation. Bioplastics are an excellent method to incorporate a clear biodegradable film into your packaging that is safe for both children and the environment.

These can be achieved by custom packaging and printing, as each hazard, particularly the age restriction, should be displayed on the toy box to allow parents to make informed decisions. Custom Toy Boxes are used by many brands to get customized printing of usage instructions and other hazard indicating signs.

Make A Functional Packaging:

Have you ever noticed how the children’s department always has a lot of sounds and lights going on?

Because many firms employ practical packaging to entice more people to them, this is the case.

Toys that are packed are unable to satisfy either the parents or the children. If a company wants to attract more customers, the packaging should be functional. A fantastic way to achieve this is to use clear film with holes that the children may play with before purchasing.

This method is unique since it piques children’s curiosity by allowing them to test the toys’ functionality before purchasing them.

This can be accomplished with custom toy packaging, such as a custom toy box, where marketers can acquire die-cut holes that are accessible to some of the toy’s functional buttons. This is also known as manipulative packaging since it might persuade children to become attracted to a product once they test it out on their own making it more appealing and increasing the possibility of purchase.

Visually appealing packaging:

It has happened in several instances that a toy is chosen by the parent rather than the child, emphasizing the importance of attractive and beautiful packaging design. Only then can your brand’s toys stand out from the crowd. A toy appeals to a parent as well as their child because they are expected to buy it for them, and if the toy does not appeal to them, they will move on to the next child.

The packaging design of any toy can be improved in several ways. One such suggestion is to employ custom printing of a design or a cartoon character that is popular with children at the moment. This will aid in effectively targeting the target population (kids). The rear of an ideal product package usually contains product facts, while the front is more colorful, featuring the toy in real-life scenarios and cool designs.

Brands may easily use packaging in a variety of forms, colors, and sizes by including custom printed toy boxes. The usage of a cool font for the taglines, bespoke printing of the logo, and the use of bright and cheery colors like yellow, red, orange, and green are all must-have effects.

If you’re introducing a new toy, you should contact custom packaging providers like Emenac Packaging Canada, which have a staff of highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals that can assist you in selecting the correct packaging for your product. This will help you grow sales and provide value to your brand. Emenac Packaging Canada also has amazing discounts for bulk purchases that aren’t too expensive, as well as free shipping.