
4 Most Famous Types of Paper Grade for Custom Packaging

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: July 7, 2023

The paper grade is crucial for businesses and products as it offers many unique benefits such as durability, strength, cost-effectiveness, etc. Different paper grades have different features and characteristics that will help your brand to customize the right custom packaging boxes that will benefit your brand by generating massive revenue.

In this blog, we are going to explore the 4 most famous types of paper grade for custom packaging.

1. Clay Coated News Backboard (CCNB)

Clay-coated news backboard (CCNB) is a paperboard that is made up of mixed secondary paper, old corrugated containers, and recycled newsprint. Here are some characteristics of CCNB which will be of great help to your packaging business.

  • It is used for low-cost folding custom packaging boxes because of its lower strength and printing output.
  • These custom packaging boxes are used for products like pet food, dry food, detergent, other non-food products, etc.
  • These packaging boxes are not suitable for products that need moisture resistance because these boxes have a high tendency to absorb water.
  • Clay-coated news backboard (CCNB) is still the best cost-effective option.
  • Many cereal brands used these boxes due to their budget-friendly feature.
  • CCNB has no harmful impact on the environment as they are eco-friendly and biodegradable.
  • As CCNB is customized from recycled packaging material, it helps in reducing the requirement for virgin paperboard production.
  • However, CCNB is created from recycled material still clay coating makes it difficult to recycle.

2. Solid Bleached Sulfate (SBS)

The most used custom boxes in the packaging industry are solid bleached sulfate (SBS). It is an excellent quality paperboard grade. Some business-oriented characteristics of solid bleached sulfate are:

  • A report by Statista shows, North America supplies 71% of SBS to the world for retail products.
  • The paperboard is bleached to get pure white color. Then these materials are refined and create custom boxes.
  • SBS is robust, strong, and durable.
  • White surface of the packaging boxes is optimal for printing on both the inside and outside of the box.
  • You can print on both sides to get the perfect design you want for your brand and products.
  • High-end quality of these boxes allows you to choose a special finishing option such as foil stamping, embossing, debossing, or spot UV printing.
  • These custom packaging boxes are used by many industries like cosmetics, tobacco, baked products, foods, pharmaceuticals, confectionery, and many more.
  • These boxes are the best choice for personal care products because they are high-end and give a luxury look to your products.
  • The main disadvantage of solid bleached sulfate is these boxes are not eco-friendly as bleaching emits harmful chemicals into the environment.
  • Another famous disadvantage of SBS is the high cost as compared to other paper grades.
  • It also contributes to deforestation, which is a serious emerging issue around the world.
  • SBS is also not resistant to water and is not suitable for water resistance products.
  • Although these SBS boxes are of high-end and top-notch quality, still it’s not a good option for heavy products.

3. Folding Box Board (FBB)

The folding box board (FBB) is also made up of top-notch paperboard grade. Some common features of custom packaging boxes are:

  • This packaging material is manufactured by joining many layers of paper pulp to make it durable and strong.
  • It has a smooth surface that allows you to print high-quality designs on custom boxes using offset technology.
  • Both FBB and SBS are suitable for almost every type of product as they are made from virgin fibers.
  • These boxes are widely used for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, and more.
  • FBB is an excellent choice for storage and transportation of the products as they are stiff and sturdy and provide maximum protection.
  • FBB is also an environment-friendly option.
  • One common advantage of FBB is that they are very expensive.
  • Their multi-layered composition makes them difficult to recycle.

4. Natural Kraft (SUS) & Coated Unbleached Kraft (CUK)

Natural Kraft and coated unbleached Kraft are getting popularity in the packaging industry because of their eco-friendly feature along with:

  • They look aesthetically pleasant and natural because of their natural brown color.
  • They are made from recycled material for example unbleached wood pulp.
  • They are the ideal choice for a company looking for sustainable packaging solutions.
  • SUS and CUK are not best for products that require vibrant colors.
  • Smooth surfaces of both paper grades are great for printing high-quality designs on the boxes.
  • SUS is coated with a layer that is water resistant to some extent.


You should get an ideal paper grade for your products by completely understanding the thickness, durability, and strength of the material. This is how you can get a suitable custom packaging box for your amazing products.