
4 Reasons to Choose Automated Packaging Solutions

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: February 23, 2021

Time and money are the two resources that hold exceptional importance for every business. With the advancement of technology, companies have managed to save up on these resources significantly. Automated machines have been making the production procedures swift and cutting the manufacture costs as well. However, most companies still refuse to jump ship on the idea because of the upfront costs and employee training regarding the new equipment. This is a result of overlooking the long term impact and benefits automated packaging machines can have.

The automated production of packaging can speed up the process exponentially and also save up on labour costs. Here are four reasons why automated production has the upper hand in packaging production:

Improved Quality Control:

Conventional production did not include the quality check procedures, instead, they were left to the workers. With the introduction of machines incorporated with artificial intelligence and visual capabilities, this process has been improved many folds. The game has been changed ever since the machines have been given the ability to see errors in the products like humans do. Some machine developers have even claimed their machines to pick 100% of the errors making them incapable of mistakes.

Production at a Faster Pace:

Machine throughputs have been proven to be higher than any manual systems in any production and distribution industry. With the selection of the right machine, businesses can make sure the production process is made easy and swift. There is no doubt in the superior efficiency of a dedicated machine over an average, or even a good, employee.

Automated packaging solutions can perform more than one task, labelling and sealing along with other tasks for instance, which narrows the time even further while also reducing the need for extra staff. This creates an opening for the companies to use their workers in other areas of the work, such as shipping, receiving, and picking.

Reduced Risks of Injured Employees:

In every workplace, where the employees perform repetitive, laborious tasks over long shifts, it is not uncommon to have cases of work-related disorders. Sometimes all it takes to cripple the working capacity of a worker is mishandling any of the equipment. The simplest of such injuries can take up to a week to recover. This creates a hindrance to the workflow. By choosing automated options you eliminate the risks associated with the health and safety of the workers and make the work environment a safer place.

Cut on Labour Costs:

There is no doubt in the fact that these production machines can take on the work of multiple labourers with their speed and accuracy. With the lockdown in effect, customer demands rising and shortage of labour force, companies have realised the shortage in this force and thus the labour wages have gone higher than ever. At a time like this, the best option to be considered is the automation of the production process of packaging. Packaging companies are faced with a great challenge because of the increased demand for products and the increase in the buying pattern of customers due to the lockdowns. This brings the need for rapid and seamless production so the customer demands are met and shortfalls are avoided. The best way to meet such demands for companies is to adopt automated mechanisms of production.