
4 Stunning Packaging Designs to Make Your Products Stand Out

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: February 11, 2021

Packaging truly plays a key role in the audience indulgence and attraction fronts. The packaging is the face of your brand and products that deliver the message your brand wants to get across. However, a packaging design that can not only intrigue your customers but also encourage them to purchase your products is only born when it follows the trends that the customers are currently interested in and following. For instance, you cannot hope for your products to sell in packaging that is neither recyclable nor eco-friendly when your target customers are concerned about the environment. similarly, a design trend that is flowing and has appeal among audiences can attract interested and potential customers in no time.

We have picked out some of the most dazzling designs that are loved by millions of people and are instant in their impact on the audience:

Tiny Hinting Illustrations and Patterns:

The use of delicate and repetitive illustrations and elements gives your packaging an outstanding look. However, they can be used for more than just pattern and design; these elements are sometimes used to give the customers a hint at the products that are residing inside. This design consists of a lot of tiny illustrations and delicate patterns with a centralized focus on a hint at the product inside. The artworks are often simplistic and abstract, delivering an aesthetic look to your product packaging. In a way, these tiny elements are combined to bring the audience focus at a single point where the patterns are few and space contains an indication of the product inside.

A Truly Vintage Experience:

One of the trending and beloved designs that the customers always look forward to interacting with is the vintage look and feel of product packaging; let’s face it, we all love that old-school feeling and the rush of nostalgia. While giving the audience a thrilling ‘travel through time’ feeling, vintage packaging can use packaging as an interactive aspect of your product that improves the purchase and usage experience. With the advanced designing techniques, it is now easy to bring a look in your packaging that looks behind its times and make customers feel like they are using a product their grandparents used at some point.

Geometrical Simplicity:

As the general public grows fonder of the simplistic and aesthetical aspects of the world, they also tend to prefer something similar in the products they buy. When this simplicity in packaging is combined with geometrical shapes and artworks, the resulting designs are works of wonders. The design is simplistic yet very bold due to the geometrical shapes. Using such shapes with neat lines, expressive colors and sharp edges can give your packaging an edge over the others. Although simple their impacts on customers are ceaseless.

Drawing Inspiration from Fine Arts:

The packaging is an art and it is only natural that art is inspired by another art. The packaging itself is becoming a piece of art as, more than usual, luxury products are taking on such artistic packaging. The fact that this trend is adopted by successful brands speaks volumes about the design concept. Paintings are increasingly becoming the inspiration for the packaging designs that use such art either spiritedly or with more focus. This delivers the message of how everything is beautiful, even a recyclable bottle of wine that has no use to you anymore. Packaging has evolved and come a long way ever since its acknowledgment. Customers no more buy products blindly and solely based on what is inside the packaging. They choose to focus on factors more than the products, such as the sustainability of the packaging and the authenticity of the selling brand. Using packaging, you can efficiently deliver your brand message and the morals your business stand for.