
4 Things You Didn’t Know About Custom Boxes With Dividers

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: December 18, 2023

When it comes to packaging the products of your company, you need to go for boxes that can successfully represent your brand, as well as securely protect your products. Packaging that does not attract has the power to drive away potential customers.

But as important are potential customers to your brand, the prevailing or existing customers’ vitality cannot be ignored as well. Therefore, it is significant to opt for product packaging that can properly and securely protect your products, because if a packaging box fails to do so, it has the potentiality to repel even the most loyal customers away from your brand and its products.

Custom boxes with dividers not only look attractive, but also have the tendency to protect your products from damage during storage and transit up until they get delivered to your customers’ doorstep. This works best if you are an online store. But even if you offer in store shopping, securely protecting your products and displaying them in the best possible manner must be very important to you as well.

So we can safely state that boxes with dividers are perfect packaging choice you can make for your brand, irrelevant of you offering online or in store shopping. But before you order custom boxes with dividers it’s best to know these 4 things about them you probably did not know before.

Things To Know About Custom Boxes with Dividers

Consider these things before you order custom boxes with dividers to elevate your brand and make your products stand out in the crowd of competitors:

1. Flexibility Matters

There is no doubt In the fact that dividers are the most useful packaging inserts you can opt for, but there are certain things like flexibility that matter a lot when you are ordering dividers for packaging boxes. Make sure that the packaging dividers that you order for your brand are sturdy and flexible enough to withstand the pressure exerted on them by the items packaged in the box. A test for the flexibility of these box dividers is that when you bend them in any direction they do not break or tear.

2. Dividers should Match the Items

Custom boxes with dividers work best if these packaging inserts resonate well. With the nature and the size of the items being packaged inside the box. For items that are smaller in size go for small dividers that are made up of softer materials. Do this when you are packaging items as delicate as jewellery or stationery. For Bulkier products that need to be packaged inside custom boxes with dividers, for example hardback books, go for packaging inserts that are thicker and sturdier.

3. Custom Box Size

When we say custom boxes with dividers, we place emphasis on the word “custom boxes,” and we do so because standard boxes any packaging company offers are not a very wise choice if you are considering packaging inserts as efficient as dividers. Dividers need to be the perfect size so that they can hold your companies products in place during transit, delivery, and storage. Go for a custom box size, so that You can opt for precisely sized dividers for your items to fit perfectly inside the box. If you order a standard sized box for your products, there is a fat chance that your dividers won’t be the right size, and your products might either be too tightly packed that the packaging might burst, or so loosely packed that they might just roll inside the packaging, and both cases are not good for the security and protection of your companies products.

4. Weight Distribution

When packaging your products in custom boxes with dividers, it is an unsaid yet very significant rule to place heavier items at the bottom and lighter items at the top of the box. Following this very important rule saves you from damaging your products as well as the packaging of your product. This is the perfect weight distribution formula, and it not only optimizes space in packaging boxes, but also makes sure that your products reach the hands of your customers undamaged. Boxes with dividers are of no use if you do not consider this golden rule while packaging your precious products, so keep this in mind at all costs!

Concluding with Where To Order Custom Boxes with Dividers

Now that you understand these 4 pivotal things consider when ordering custom boxes with dividers, you need to choose a packaging partner that understands the importance of these important things related to box dividers. In this case the best choice you can make regarding packaging of your precious products is choosing Emenac Packaging Canada as your packaging provider. Order boxes with dividers from us today, and leave all packaging related worries to us.