
4 Ways Your Noodle Boxes Can Attract More Customers

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: May 4, 2021

There is always more room for growth for every business. This i9s why businesses are constantly improving either their services or their products. However, some think that the only solutions lie in these areas and nothing else can cause damage to their sales. This is a misunderstanding no business should fall under. Product packaging and boxing are what matter the most when it comes to retailing and in the case of edibles, takeaway boxes for your delicacies.

Fast food suppliers that have either takeaway or home deliveries must be the most cautious about their packaging since food packaging can be difficult to handle. From the integrity and safety to the preservation of the meal, everything must be kept in mind while designing your custom packaging. We have a few ways of improving your noodle boxes to help your brand boost up:

Box Design Improvement:

Have you made sure that the noodle boxes you use are easy to open? Can they keep your food safe and warm? Customers like their food warm when they are savoring it. A packaging that is too thin and allows the food to lose temperature in a matter of minutes can cause customers to start looking for new options.

Another reason why customers want to replace their current choice of fast food is that they find it difficult to deal with the packaging box etc. of the brands. Sometimes incomplete finishing of the packaging leaves sharp edges and corners that can even cut or harm the customers.

Get Your Message Across:

Product packaging is the biggest speaker for your products and your brand. It is the means of communication between retailers and their customers. If your brand is a sustainable one, you make it clear through your packaging; if your brand does not test products on animals, you can easily make it possible. Brands have been using packaging to deliver their message to their customers for decades now and it is nothing new.

“What is the need for this message,” you ask? Well, there are several reasons. You need to familiarize your customers with your brand and its morals they can relate to your business.

Promote Your Business:

Sometimes small restaurants and food trucks have the best way of using their food packaging to promote their business. They do it in several ways; some choose to print a mini version of their menu to help customers discover even more of their recipes. You can turn this idea into yours by tweaking it a bit by printing your social media labels on your food noodle boxes or you can add the contact numbers for home deliveries, if you have any, so customers can save it for a later time.

Provoke Your Customers’ Hunger:

Here is a question, if we were to place in front of you two boxes of noodles, one with a plain brown appearance and no visuals and the other with a picture of a hot bowl of noodles that have been well seasoned and fried with juicy chicken pieces, which one would make you feel hungry? The answer is obvious; it would be the latter box that provokes your hunger. This is because the human mind starts to link visuals to emotions and feelings so seeing a picture of something delicious is bound to make you hungry.

Noodle boxes might appear small and insignificant to your business but drops are what make the ocean. You can start your business promotion on a smaller scale such as your custom noodle boxes and take the lead from there.