
5 Benefits of Digitally Printed Eco-friendly Pouches

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: March 18, 2021

Packaging has taken the spotlight in the marketing sector of retail businesses. Through exceptional packaging strategies, businesses have managed to elevate the shopping experience of their customers. Now, be it shopping through stores or online platforms, customers have high expectations for the packaging of their products. As the environmental repercussions of negligent packaging keep haunting industries, customers have started to demand and pay more for products and services that serve them and the ecosystem alike. In the wake of these demands and callouts from the customers, brands and businesses have started to take on eco-friendly options like biodegradable and compostable materials.

However, there is more to compostable materials than just the environment-friendly factor; imagine the convenience of getting digital prints directly onto these materials. Here are our thoughts o9n the matter:

Compostable Pouches:

Several reasons are available as to why compostable materials in the form of pouch packaging combined with digital printing matter so much. First, the material does not harm the environment and decomposes over a very short term, returning to nature again. Second, pouches are a great choice for the shape of packaging since they are very versatile and can hold products in liquid, solid, and even powdered forms. Third, digital printing is the most efficient way of printing and it is made even easier when applied directly to the packaging.

If these reasons are not enough to convince you of the convenience of compostable pouches, we have more:

A Flexible Option:

Digital printing is free from a matrix plate which makes it flexible and the prints high in quality. If any changes are to be made to the packaging, either the design or prints, it can be managed much easily and quickly. Due to its adaptability, any sudden changes to the print can be dealt with swiftly as compared to other printing methods.

Ranged Printing Material Options:

What makes digital printing special is the variety of materials, sizes, and patterns it can print on. Unlike offset printing, your different colors, measurements, and textures can be personalized easily. This convenience is appreciated by companies that are looking for opportunities to personalize their packaging and communicate better with their customers.

Fast Production, Faster Sales:

Digital printing is a very swift process compared to others. Owing to digital printing, companies can get their product packaging much faster which in turn means the sooner they will enter the market and the sooner sales can start. Since changes are easy to make in the printing patterns and designs, any changes in the future can easily be adjusted.

Friend of the Environment:

The pouches are degraded in a short time after coming in contact with the environment. A collaboration of digital prints and sustainable material creates a packaging that can market products beyond the retailer’s expectations and without any efforts. Customers around the globe have expressed their interest in sustainable brands and becoming a part of the community can benefit your business too.

When it comes to creativity, packaging design and prints are not the only things that count. In the current age, the convenience of the packaging, the material used to make it, and its presentation matter more than ever. The right packaging wins the market.