5 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Custom Packaging Company

  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Posted On: July 20, 2022
  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog

Finding the right custom packaging company is indeed a daunting task.

You’ve got to do hours of research, discuss with experts, and spend energy checking the company’s credibility. Still, most company owners fail to discover the right packaging brand.

And, having you here on this blog probably means you’re also facing the same problem!

Well, to find a dependable packaging partner, it’s necessary to avoid certain mistakes that are listed down below in this blog.

Let’s dive in…

What Mistakes Should You Avoid While Hiring a Custom Packaging Company?

With loads of options out there, you can easily fall into a trap! Especially, if you’re searching for packaging brands online.

It is easy for any scammer to create a bogus brand identity online to attract customers. If you don’t want to waste your investments on such fake companies, make sure to avoid the fatal mistakes listed below while hiring a custom packaging company:

  1. Not Conducting a Proper Research
  2. Ignoring Customer Reviews
  3. Considering Price Over Quality
  4. Not Identifying the Discount Traps
  5. Ignoring Experts’ Tips

Not Conducting a Proper Research:

If you think that conducting thorough research isn’t necessary, then better think again!

Through online searching, you can easily find the right brand. Using Google is a perfect option for this. However, you can also jump on social media platforms and type hashtags on search bars. For instance, if you’re using Twitter, then the hashtag “#bestpackagingcompany” can help you reach brand-specific posts and from there you can choose a company that fits your requirements.

If you skip this step, you might end up hiring the wrong company. Which is what you probably don’t want to happen.

Ignoring Customer Reviews:

Customer reviews can help you judge the credibility of any packaging company.

First, make sure your chosen brand has a complete section of their website or a booklet devoted to testimonials. This is important because companies having zero testimonials usually means they haven’t yet worked with any customer and they might not have experience in packaging your niche’s products.

Hence, if you’re serious about hiring an ideal company, then better stick with the one that has impressive customer reviews to portray.

Considering Price Over Quality:

Cheap options are never the best options.

Remember, quality packaging begins with premium packaging materials that protect the products in all possible manners.

For instance, rigid packaging boxes are formulated with strong cardboards that can stand against heavy rainfall, UV rays, and other severe external factors that could damage your products.

Moreover, premium packaging boxes are also coated with waterproof or biodegradable lamination. Hence, offering your products optimum protection. Now, how can you imagine that all these expensive advantages can come along with cheap packages?

Companies offering cheap packaging services usually have a low budget and they can’t afford to laminate their boxes or packets.

This is why quality should be your top priority but not the price!

Not Identifying the Discount Traps:

Discount traps are the most popular tactics used by scammers or not-so-good packaging companies.

Phrases like “Get 75% discount” tends to grab business owners’ attention and tempt us to place an order as soon as possible.


Have you checked their services before shaking hands with the company?


Have you checked their samples or portfolio?

Signing a deal just based on discounts is a big mistake! You never know the packaging company behind this trap even exists or not. And, if it does exist what level of services would they offer you?

Never let the discount traps overrule your purchase decision. Otherwise, you’ll get into serious trouble!

Not Viewing Portfolio:

This is one of the biggest mistakes company owners tend to make.

Portfolios can provide you with an idea of how the company works and whether its packaging tactics can meet your requirements or not.

Look what type of material searching s they have used. Further, don’t forget to make sure that they use a variety of graphic designing techniques if you’re willing to get enthralling colorful packaging boxes.

Try to visit their office and ask them to show their packaging boxes. Or, visit their websites and have a look at the portfolio images.

Ignoring Experts’ Tips:

If your company has no concern with the packaging industry, then you need expert tips!

Reach out to some experienced people who have a great knowledge of custom packaging. Send them emails, or try to arrange a meeting with the top-listed experts.

Industry experts can help you make the right choice. Make sure to ask them different questions regarding your concerns and do make a list of the companies they’ve recommended to you.

Wrapping up!

Even if you are new to the market…


Even if you don’t know anything about the packaging industry…

You can still find the right packaging partner by avoiding all the mistakes discussed above.

Ready to hire your packaging partner? Discover Emenac’s exclusive offers to enjoy premium services!