
5 Packaging Mistakes That You Should Avoid

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: July 30, 2021

Packaging is a great way to express your brand message. However, poorly designed packaging boxes can also drive the customer away. Some factors lead to poor packaging. A misleading label can repel shoppers; a wrong color selection can make the customer lose interest.

There are also psychological explanations behind all this. Psychologists have found that good custom packaging creates a rewarding image for your brand in people’s minds. A bad packaging activates the part of the mind linked with the negative mental state.

Now let’s take a look at some of the common packaging mistakes:

Excessive Material:

People today are greatly aware of their surroundings and are environmentally conscious. Many of them support the green movement.  Designing custom packaging using excessive materials will not stand well in the eyes of potential buyers.

Don’t create meaningless, silly packaging that will make people regret their decision. Use less space possible and communicate the message to people in that space. Excessive packaging not only impacts our ecological system but also interfere with consumer’s choice.


Professionalism is reflected by how you convey the message to people. And if there are grammatical, typos mistakes, then surely you need to rethink the whole “perfection persona” that you have built around the years.

Packaging must be free from any error. Remember, if such mistakes make their way into the market, then it’s not just your reputation at stake. In a matter of minutes, it will spread on social media and other platforms and you will become a laughing stock.

 As a consumer, you will think that why I should spend my hard-earned cash on a brand that does not know how to get its packaging box design right. So, proof it again and again before finalizing. You cannot afford to have even minor mistakes in a print-ready draft.


Never trick the buyer into thinking something that you are not. Always be truthful and honest with your buyers. Honesty will strengthen the bond and pave the way for people’s trust. Once you broke consumer trust you will never get it back. Misrepresentation or wrong labeling can land you in legal and financial troubles.

Difficulty in Unboxing:

There is a term used to describe a box that is difficult to open. It is known as wrap rage. You must have remembered what it feels like when you got the package and after spending hours and hours you were not able to open it.

Wrap rage is terrible for your business and will only discourage repeat purchases. Understand human nature before designing packaging to make the unboxing experience for people more fun and easy. Hard to open packages will only make things more problematic for buyers.

You don’t have to be a marketing specialist to know the challenges that ruin the unboxing experience for shoppers. So go for easy packaging. Give them a reason to come back to you again.


Having packaging that is look-alike to your competitors will only complicate things. First, your brand can go overlooked. Secondly, it can confuse people with your competitors. Many products use the same logo, design, and printing with a minor difference of message that goes unnoticed. People never pay close attention; they can confuse you with someone else. So, always go for custom printed boxes.

Tasteful Experience with perfect execution leads more buyers and gets loads of sales. Thrive your business with Wholesale packaging boxes and give your product a unique and classy look.