5 steps to add the wow factor to your product’s packaging

  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Posted On: May 6, 2022
  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog

Previously, packing served primarily as a means of protecting and preserving items, but the concept of packaging has evolved in recent years. In today’s packaging market, the utilization of custom packaging is all the rage.

Custom packaging is an excellent approach to protect your items while also improving their visual appeal. Following the global Covid-19 pandemic, the market has become extremely saturated, necessitating the urgent development of cost-effective and innovative packaging options.

Emenac Packaging Canada is one of the top packaging suppliers that provide brands with authentic, one-of-a-kind, and high-quality custom packaging alternatives.

People are increasingly migrating their businesses online, and as a result, the visual appearance of any product is the only way to judge its quality.

Brands use custom packaging to keep the same standards throughout all of their product packagings, but if you want to stand out from the crowd, here are five excellent ways to use custom packaging to add a wow factor to your product’s packaging:

1. Evaluate The Needs and Then Choose:

It is critical for a brand to initially assess its packaging requirements in relation to its products. Every product should have its packaging, just as each product should be unique. If a company isn’t aware of their packaging’s requirements, they won’t be able to create a custom box that is a perfect fit.

Brands can obtain custom printed boxes with varied dimensions that can fit the goods precisely with custom packaging.

This will ensure that the product is safe and secure during the packaging process and that it is not damaged as a result of unwanted product movement. Following a thorough assessment of the products, the packaging is created that properly communicates the brand’s message throughout the room. This sort of packaging effectively captures the target audience and ensures that the packaging reflects the demands and desires of the clients.

2. Artistic Designs and Graphics:

Because the artwork is the most interactive component of providing a WOW factor to the package, it’s critical to ensure that your brand style and colors are reflected throughout the inserts and packaging. It’s not easy to come up with the perfect artwork for your brand’s packaging. It takes a skilled graphic designer to pay attention to the smallest details and patiently create a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork.

Custom packaging solutions for brands are now available, allowing them to design the artwork of their dreams at a fair cost. Here, highly talented and expert designers may alter any packaging using vibrant colors and unique designs.

Custom packaging suppliers may even provide a design mockup so you can see the final product and make an informed decision. Mockups, it’s safe to say, will assist you in getting a sense of how something will feel and look from various perspectives.

3. Don’t Forget Detail Work:

Intricate details on the packaging can also help to improve the custom packaging boxes that are used for any product. A personalized gold stamped log or a message depicted in cool typography could be among the details.

Custom packaging, together with add-ons like a “thank you” card or a gift certificate, can help brands achieve the design of their dreams. This shows that the company values its customers and encourages them to share their experiences on various social media sites. Customers will have a positive unpacking experience since they will receive exactly what was promised.

Adding personalized inserts and magnetic closures, for example, is a terrific way to make a package stand out in every way. To take advantage of such deals, a company must select a brand with positive overall internet evaluations, a high degree of skill, and reasonable costs for work that meets your needs.

4. Material That Conserves the Environment:

If the packaging firm is wasteful, this has a significant impact. Customers will get dissatisfied with your brand, and sales will suffer as a result. Customers have grown increasingly aware of the necessity to use environmentally sustainable packaging as global warming worsens.

A perception of trustworthiness will be generated if a brand can deliver on its promises. On that topic, if a product is packaged in plastic yet the packaging is environmentally friendly, it is hypocritical. Throughout the supply chain, brands should be conscious of the goods they use in their packaging and utilize eco-friendly and biodegradable alternatives. This improves the brand’s image by making them appear more environmentally mindful and responsible.

Custom packaging boxes can be made out of a range of materials, which adds to the appeal of using environmentally responsible materials. For bespoke boxes, this is quite frequent. Emenac Packaging Canada offers a variety of materials, including kraft, cardboard, and corrugated, that make packaging more sustainable and cut waste output in half.

5. Packaging – A Marketing Strategy:

If you think about it, custom packaging is a terrific method to do free marketing for a company. It is also known as the “silent marketer” and assists a company in implementing a clever strategy for product promotion.

What’s amazing about this is that it’s a technique that can be applied to firms in any industry. For example, if a customer consistently places large orders every month, your company might send them unique packaging to show their appreciation. This will not only turn them into lifelong customers, but it will also motivate them to share your package online, boosting your brand’s image.

Furthermore, if your custom boxes are produced specifically for your brand and include unique specifications and information about the size and handling of your goods, you will stand out from other products that come in typical packaging. When displayed in a retail store aisle, a bright and appealing custom printed box with glossy lamination catches the eye of the buyer and speaks for itself.