
6 Custom Product Packaging Mistakes That Can Disturb Your Budget.

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: May 27, 2024

Product packaging is more than just wrapping stuff! It depends on selecting packaging and how to use it for the brand. Attractive packaging is a way to visualize your brand in the competitive market. Every business that transports products needs captivating yet budget-friendly packaging solutions to deliver their products within budget.

In the packaging industry, manufacturers consider that packaging’s visual appeal is 50% vital to draw attention. However, businesses prefer that the other 50% of packaging should maintain their budget.  In this blog post, we will discuss 6 major mistakes that can disturb your Budget and how can you avoid them.

1. Dimensions and Size Mistake

Packaging size matters, a lot. Right? Thus, it is one of the most common mistakes is that opt for the wrong size or dimension for your packaging. When the packaging size is too big or too small, it all leads to an increase the waste. Ultimately, the waste of material increases the packaging cost.

Additionally, improperly sized packaging can lead to damage to the products during transit. As a result, businesses bear the additional expenses for replacements or repairs.

What to Do?

Wrong is common yet the biggest mistake. To avoid it take the time to precisely measure your product, length, or width to ensure that packaging fits them just right. It makes businesses stress-free and increases customer loyalty.

2. Complicated Designs

Another big mistake that many manufacturers make when designing the packaging is a selection of complicated designs. Indeed, minimalist packaging attracts customers and manages the budget as well.

That is why, it is important to create a simple yet attractive packaging design that stands out and captures the attention of customers. Plus, when manufacturers add too many design elements, it’s nothing great but just an increase in costs. Complex designs often require additional materials, high-end printing processes, and labor costs.

What to Do?

Avoid overdoing and focus on simple and impactful designs that effectively signify your brand and product.

3. Avoid Sustainability

In the modern era, sustainable awareness rapidly increased especially in the packaging industry. As a business owner, when you ignore sustainability it can be the biggest mistake that not only distracts customers but also increases your expenses.

As consumers become increasingly aware of ecological issues, they are more expected to favor businesses that highlight sustainability. Furthermore, by ignoring sustainability, you run the risk of losing potential customers and gaining expenses related to non-compliance with environmental rules.     

What to Do?

Use eco-friendly materials such as cardboard, paperboard, and Kraft. These materials are cost-effective packaging solutions that are reusable and renewable for new projects and save you money.

4. Low-Quality Material

The use of low-quality materials is one of the worst mistakes that manufacturers make and faces extreme loss. The material selection comes in the initial stage of packaging, in simple words base of packaging.  If it is not right, your manufacturing, labor, and printing costs are nothing just waste. S, invest in quality material to manage the budget, low material packaging increases the risk of loss. So use sturdy material to ensure product protection and save money as well.

What to Do?

Always consider high-quality material to ensure secure shipping, and product protection and avoid replacement risks.

5. Wrong Labeling

Wrong labeling means a lack of communication. It leads to misunderstandings and costly mistakes that are not harmful to businesses but to customers as well. It is essential to clearly communicate through the printing of product descriptions and other information on packaging that meets the expectations of your suppliers.

Consider your budget, design specifications, and timeline it helps you to choose the best solutions that align with your budget.

What to do?

Use modern ways to communicate with buyers or consumers of the product. regular communication throughout the packaging process ensures that any potential matters or changes are addressed promptly, avoiding costly delays or reworking expenses.

6. Ignore The Packaging Testing Importance

Testing your unique product packaging is essential to avoid costly errors and hit the mass manufacturing targets. Testing is essential ensure that your packaging is strong, useful, and visually appealing. Most importantly, testing can assist in locating any potential weak points or failures in your packaging design, allowing you to make the essential modifications before manufacture. You run the danger of creating faulty packaging, which could lead to material waste and higher expenses if testing is neglected.

What to Do?

Before bulk order, you can test your packaging it helps to detect errors and weak points that can be addressed at the initial stage.

Final Notes

Custom product packaging plays a vital role in branding, advertising, and product display, but some mistakes are made by manufacturers and mess up the whole budget. These Mistakes include the wrong size and dimensions, complicated design, ignoring sustainability, and using low-quality materials. Further, outdated communication processing and wrong labeling distract the customers and increase expenses. Lastly, testing of packaging also counts to increase or decrease the packaging cost. So, avoiding these mistakes not only helps in cost management but also improves consumer satisfaction