6 Key Benefits of Using Custom Scrub Boxes for Your Brand

  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Posted On: January 26, 2022
  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog

There has been huge growth in the makeup industry. From skincare items to scrub and makeup items, there is a huge variety available. Among these beauty and cosmetic products are scrubs. In this write-up, we are going to be talking about how custom scrub boxes can make an impactful difference in the sales of the product. 

Custom boxes allow you to present any product in a unique and specific way.  One of the greatest benefits of custom packaging is that it can be tailored into any design, size, and dimension to convey a spectacular brand image.  It can deliver the purpose and benefits of your product to target consumers innovatively.

1. Various Shapes and Sizes:

The specifications and appearances of custom printed scrub packaging boxes differ from one another. There is no way you can display all of those items in the same kind of packaging. This is where customized packaging comes in handy. Because this packaging is designed by keeping all the product dimensions in mind.

 Carton, Kraft, and boxboard are the materials used in the manufacturing of such solutions. Because of such materials, the packaging can be moulded in many ways. Customization allows matching the dimensions of any product.  Many options are available in terms of shapes, including flip-tops, bottom closures, display designs, and others. Box sizes can be tailored to fit the products you’re packaging. Scrub boxes can enhance your customer base and lead to more customer engagement. 

2. Distinctive Presentations:

Attractive and elegant presentations of custom printed body scrub boxes can help them sell more. The distinctive presentations attract people’s attention and provide visibility to customers on retail shelves. 

It is the impressive and stylish presentation of custom printed body scrub boxes that improves their sales value. You cannot capture the market without providing good quality products on top of attractive-looking custom scrub boxes. 

Branding on these custom scrub boxes allows for a personalized look and delivers your product details on the packaging. The directions and other information printed on the custom printed boxes helps customers to find what they are looking for.

Unique illustrations and colourful graphics convey a sense of belongings to customers. Colour schemes, gradients, or pastels can be printed on them, which gives them a distinctive identity and provides a unique brand image. 

You can also use advanced printing and coating techniques like lamination, embossing, and varnishing to give a custom touch to your brand.  Finishing touches and embellishments are also some other ways to make your brand pop in the market.

3. Promotional for Businesses:

In the advertisement of a brand, packaging solutions like special scrub boxes are crucial. Printing with unique packaging design elements serves as a free marketing tool to boost brand awareness. Spending too much on advertising tactics can drain your financial resources. For example, designers charge a lot of money to produce an attractive advertising flyer.

 Nevertheless, the latest packaging eliminates limitations such as money, place, and time. Brands print their taglines, names, mottos, emblems, contact details, and more on the label. The cost of printing is not very high compared to what you will spend on the advertising campaign.

You can print promotional details on the product packaging, along with getting the boxes that are reliable and protect the product. This way you can advertise your product without spending too much on expensive marketing methods. 

4. Customer Recognition and Loyalty:

Familiarity always has a powerful effect. In a sea of products surrounding a brand that customers can recognize, the chances of shoppers ignoring your product which has unique typography, colours, and images comes down to zero. Why? Because it’s familiar and striking.

A good brand can keep shoppers coming back, again and again, they become aware of your product and starting to trust your brand and packaging offer a great way to engage them. When a company develops great business can see its customer loyalty begin to grow with an engaging product that hits all the right notes with shoppers.

5. Gives Confidence:

Good custom printed scrub packaging boxes not only assure customers loyalty but also help business owners. All of the work, efforts, and resources that have been invested into building a company comes together into a professional presentation with great branding on custom boxes.

By catching the public’s attention, it propels it forward. Good packaging display restores the customer’s trust in your brand, which spreads good words about your product to more people. 

6. Combining Practicality and Functionality:

A Kraft body scrub box that is both useful and efficient is the ultimate winning combination to help your product dominate your competitors in the market.  A good instance of packaging that is both effective and handy is reusable packaging. In the fashion and food industries, reusable packaging is particularly useful. 


When it comes to extending the life of food, ensuring shelf life, and taste, reusable packaging has seen a boom in the food industry.  This kind of functionality and practicality not only attracts customers but also makes them keep coming to your brand. Sustainable and recyclable packaging minimizes the environmental impact but also saves the additional manufacturing cost.