
7 Reasons to Choose Cardboard Dividers for Custom Printed Boxes.

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: May 7, 2024

Security is a priority for any kind of Product! Custom printed boxes become crucial as the backbone of the business to protect the items. The strong and sturdy packaging boxes give an identity to a well-known brand and its products as well. Packaging manufacturers use many tools and patterns to ensure product protection during transit, cardboard dividers are one of them.

Most importantly, it is estimated that 5% to 30% are returned to suppliers just because they are received by clients in damaged condition.  As per the survey, over 60% of packaging industries, offer extreme protection to goods during shipping to retain customers. In this complete guide, we will explore, 7 main reasons to choose cardboard dividers for custom boxes.

Cardboard is a sturdy and ecological material that is preferred to provide extra protection to goods during delivery. Here are 7 reasons, to choose cardboard dividers for your brand packaging

1. Sturdy and Reliable

One of the primary benefits of cardboard dividers is made from strong and sturdy material. They are the best option to prevent the product from external damages and shocks and keep them intact till the last target. The most important thing is you can customise the dividers as per your product requirement and match them with the overall design of the boxes.

Benefits of sturdy dividers:

  • Extra cushioning against shocks
  • Keep the shape of the product intact and perfect
  • Shocks and vibrations absorb the ability

2. Beyond Protection, Versatility Is Key

Cardboard dividers are highly flexible and these tailored dividers or partitions are made to ix any product or any size of the box. What is the best part? Well, the best part is you can adjust them according to your needs and space optimisation.  Some extra features make them exclusive and the only choice for businesses, concerning the protection of goods.

Extra Features:

  • Adjustable cardboard dividers
  • Foldable cardboard dividers
  • Slots in round shapes dividers
  • Square and movable dividers

3. Eco-Friendliness

Rapid increasing awareness of ecological material, the customers taking an interest in eco-friendly products and their packaging as well. Cardboard dividers are eco-friendly packaging options that can be easily recyclable and renewable to save the planet.

Impacts of eco-friendly packaging along with dividers:

  • Reduce the carbon footprints from the earth
  • Reduce the amount of waste
  • Reusable to save manufacturing cost
  • Attract eco-conscious customers

Eco-friendly dividers that you use in your packaging, show how much your brand cares for a healthy environment. Plus, your commitment to sustainability is to hit a wider customer base.

4. Budget-Friendly Option

The foremost feature, that influences manufacturers to choose cardboard dividers for their packaging, it is available at a low rate. Yes, cardboard is a less expensive packaging material as compared to rigid or others. All-size businesses can afford this packaging material, even startups can manage their budget with these exceptional dividers. Cardboard dividers are not only cheap and cost-effective but lightweight, easy to move, and shipping-friendly economical options for many businesses.

5. Easy to Assemble or Disassemble

Custom cardboard dividers are incredibly user-friendly. The liberty of customisation options, lets you design your dividers accordingly and enhance the overall display of your goods. The best thing, they can be inserted or assembled quickly in the packaging boxes. On the flip side, if no longer needed, the customer can easily disassemble them without any stress.

Quickly together and breaking apart, leads to simplicity and saves time and effort in the unboxing process, when the customers receive their products. After all, cardboard dividers are superb and convenient tools to reuse the packaging to repack products after use (if they are electronic products).

6. Space Optimisation

The major use for cardboard dividers in packaging boxes is for proper “optimization of space”. Yes, cardboard dividers let brands use space efficiently. The main role of dividers is to separate and organize the items to maintain the display and draw attention. Proper space optimisation leads to fit more products in a box, which reduces the shipping cost and also reduces the need for extra packaging material or boxes.

7. Printing or Plain

Last yet most important, cardboard dividers can be transformed into marketing tools as well. As a business owner, you can print these dividers with themed colours, brand slogans, or logos to increase brand recognition. Dividers are easily printable and stunning high-end graphics enhance the visual appeal of your packaging boxes.

On the other side, if you like the minimalist design you can keep these dividers plain in one colour that looks adorable and create a sense of sophistication.

In a nutshell

Indeed, cardboard dividers are a useful and cost-effective choice for custom printed boxes. There are many reasons to choose cardboard dividers, eco-friendliness, reasonable rates, versatility, extreme protection ability, easy assembly and breaking into parts, excellent printing surface, and space optimization are the main 7 reasons to opt for these safety wonders. Lastly, custom cardboard dividers are best to ensure the protection of goods during shipping.