7 Tips to Make Impressive Custom Coffee Boxes

  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Posted On: November 7, 2022
  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog

Coffee is the most perfect thing to wake up your mornings after a good and heavy sleep or a rough three-hour sleep.

The thought of coffee is enough for a person to wake up and its taste is what makes our eyes open in the morning. Just before we haven’t taken a sip of our morning coffee, we are waiting in the kitchen how good it would be if we look at its packaging and could feel the taste of amazing coffee in our mouths?

The packaging of the coffee brand is also a very important factor in selling tasty coffee. The custom packaging for coffee brands has changed drastically from what it used to be. Back, coffees had very simple packaging boxes and colors and designs but now all of them are changed and we always get surprised from looking at a coffee box.

Here we will give you tips on how to make your coffee packaging impressive:

1. Simple Packaging style:

You are selling coffee that needs to be very easy for the consumer to use, you don’t have to make it difficult to open for the customers.

This is the motto one needs to have while designing the custom packaging style for their brand’s coffee. A simple and effective packaging design is what makes your coffee special for the customers.

For packaging design use pouch bags, bottles, and square boxes to sell your coffee. The most common of them are pouch bags and square boxes, these have been in the market for a very long but they are most successful because they are very simple to open and close any time you have to use your coffee. The new one, bottle style has been introduced and it has created a massive change in the industry as people are loving the bottle packaging for the ease and the classic style it offers.

You can get any size of these packaging and they come with their protective feature as well, the pouch bags have zippers and seals in the packaging, the bottle one easily opens and closes with the cap or lid, and square boxes are easily opened.

If you want to sell your coffee more you should get these custom packaging boxes and bag styles because they are convenient and offer a very decent look for coffee.

2. Open Gates to All Colors:

Another change in the custom packaging of the coffee boxes have introduced and is swinging the sales up high is the use of colors in the packaging.

The old rules of dividing the colors into masculine or feminine or their ability to match with the product type are not considered these days. Now big brands use all these types of colors, in any shade, they like dark or light again regardless of the product inside.

This change in the packaging industry has given a new variety of options to create any type of look of their custom packaging for their coffee brands. The more different types of colors you use in the packaging, the better it is for your brand to have a distinct look and increase sales of your brand.

3. Any Typography Style:

Like the rules of color use, now typography has also swapped itself in the trend and it is changing on the covers of the custom coffee packaging.

We have always seen the packaging of coffee boxes with big and simple typography style that displays the name of the brand but now brands are changing this style of writing as well and are adopting their style in the text and the paste it on the custom packaging of their coffees.

If your coffee brand voice is dangerous and electric, then go for the text style which is abrupt and sparks danger similarly if you are towards a smooth voice use a smooth text style that is very simple. If you want to show luxury and style use floating text with golden color to show extravagance on the cover.

Whatever typography style, font, or color you want to use to express your brand voice you are free to go express your creativity on the custom packaging.

4. Minimalistic Coffee Design:

If you are into minimalism and simplicity, then don’t place lots of artwork on the coffee boxes.

Keeping your custom coffee packaging appear simple and small is the key to adding minimalism to your work. Create small or just one or two design elements on the custom packaging to make it look unique.

If you want to add any artwork you can also get image-type artwork on the custom packaging of the coffee boxes. The function of image artwork is to create and provoke emotion or to tell a story of the brand from its cover. This type of artwork doesn’t need anything else besides it and it makes the best design for the packaging cover. Printing artwork on the customized packaging is very minimalistic and distinctive.

Whatever type of figure or element you want to get printed on it, keep the quantity always less to add more value to the bespoke packaging.

5. Focus on the Logo:

Selling coffee in a market where so many brands are there to compete with you, it is very important to bring the attention of the customers right to your product.

Your logo of the coffee brand is always the best tool to catch the attention of the customers. Make your logo unique that speaks your brand’s name and place it on your custom packaging box so that it can get the focus and attention of the customers.

You don’t always have to put the logo in the middle of the customized packaging to put it right on the faces, you can also go for the upper right or left corner to present your logo, either way, is fine. The right use of the logo will do its work perfectly on the custom packaging boxes.

6. Finishing Style:

Just like the artwork, typography, and logo styles the last step in completing a perfect custom packaging is to give the finishing look to the packaging.

The finishing looks range from soft, aqueous, and gloss laminated spot UV, UV, and textured finish. All of these are very important for the packaging look as it enhances all the work of the wholesale packaging cover and provides an efficient image of the brand in the market.

7. Segmented Division of Information:

On the packaging of a product, there is a lot of information to present on the cover that is not only important from a business point of view but also to attract customers towards your product.

All the important information about the coffee and the brand seller needs to be present on the customized packaging cover but how will you do it along with other artwork and designs?

Consider putting information in a segmented text view to create symmetry and flow to the text. Write short sentences and put the coffee product information on the front at the bottom. The other information about brand and nutrition factors comes at the back. Divide all of this important information into the whole front and backside of the packaging box to create harmony and a decent look.


Just like the taste of your special coffee, its custom packaging should also be special from the outside and should provide comfort to the consumers. With proper work on the packaging design and its looks, you can become as strong as your coffee to stay awake in your customer’s hearts.