
Advertise Your Drinks Effectively With Customized Bottle Neckers

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: September 21, 2021

It is interesting to note that the global worth of non-alcoholic drinks was 1.03 trillion U.S dollars in 2020. Apart from driving the country’s economy, it is loaded with a plethora of health benefits for the consumers. The beverages are a great source of hydration and also contain essential vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals essential for the survival of human beings.

Well, it is impossible to picture our lives without our favorite beverages like tea, coffee, milk, soft drinks, fresh juices, and the list goes on. For some they can’t kick start their day without a strong cup of coffee and some simply can’t say no to the refreshing glass of lemonade. The preferences of beverages vary depending upon the audience’s culture, region, and personal taste. Hence, the beverage industry is on the rise to meet the ever-increasing demands of customers.

No doubt in a hypercompetitive market the brands are scratching their heads to come up with something exciting to attract the customers. Therefore, the use of bottle-neckers is the best option to make the bottles look trendy. It is an effective marketing tool and readily grasps the attention of the customers. As the bottle neckers are available in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors so it suits well all kinds of beverage bottles. So let us discuss how the bottle neckers can be a total game-changer for your business.

Lasting Impression:

It is an admitted fact that the customers always prefer good packaging instead of ok packaging. This is so because it leaves an ever-lasting impression on the customers. Packaging not only provides utmost protection to the product but also provides something beyond packaging.

A water bottle with a customized tag on it builds a positive image of the brand. A tag containing information about the nutritional value and the benefits of drinking water is a reflection of care and professionalism towards the customers. Thus, these tiny tags are a great way to make your product look different from the rest.

Promotional Tool:

One of the easiest and cost-effective ways to market your brand is through bottle neckers. They are available in cone, die-cut, and string-tied designs so they easily fit onto a variety of bottles. Moreover, they can be used for the display of exciting information like a discount, special offers, coupons, and limited offers to fuel the purchasing impulse of the customers. The use of bold and vibrant colors along with innovative designs makes your product shine bright amongst the sea of competitors.

Fosters Creativity:

To stay one step ahead of the competitors the brands need to update their designs and marketing strategy. The bottle neckers provide a huge canvas to projects one’s creativity and innovation. They can be customized according to the occasion like a birthday party, farewell, wedding ceremony, or for the brand’s promotion. The tags contain floral and beautiful designs to complement the event. Hence, the bottle neckers are a great way to add value to the product.