
Biggest Logo Design Trends for Brand Recognition

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: January 21, 2021

Everyone loves a good logo design and the creativity put in them. Their importance stands intact because they create public attraction and add to the uniqueness and identity of your brand. A well-designed logo represents the strength and influence of your business. With the evolution of the market, public opinions, and their interests, trends also keep changing, the same as the ones observed in product logos. Although logos are the identity of businesses and cannot be changed frequently, for fresh businesses and the ones that do plan on tweaking their logos to some extent, it is best advised to do it in the light of current trends to catch more attention.

As the competition rises and new products are delivered into the market, getting the spotlight and the customers’ attention can pose a challenge for products. Customers view all products as the same and unless they see something striking or attention grasping, they will not spend more than mere seconds in making their purchase decision. Your logo can be a well-played card for your products if you design it with uniqueness and originality in mind.

This article predicts some of the logo trends that would be great to follow in the current year, to create a strong client base and stronger brand identity:

Monochromatic Elegance:

Most customers prefer simplicity and clarity in knowing what the product is. By offering them something easy to recognize and uncluttered, you can catch their attention. Monochromatic designs have been the trend for quite some while and do not plan on exiting anytime soon. They are a splendid mash of sophistication and elegance that cannot be ignored. Most high brands and companies have been revolving around this concept not only with their logos but their packaging, designs, and products as well. Keep the logo elegant and clean on the front with as many details as you wish on the back of the product, because, although simplicity is appreciated so is the transparency of sellers with their customers.

Avoid Overused Concepts of the Past:

You might be taking this point towards what we mentioned before, “monochromatic designs are far and wide popular with higher brands” but it is the characteristic that can never be overused; some trends have their lifespan or some are simply undying but others not so. A perfect example of such designs is swooshing characters and graphics of people popping from a single circle or point. This design has been in use for years and now has lost its capability of drawing the customers’ attention against their competitors.   

Soft Colored Logo:

A soft color for your logo gives the audience a sense of arrangement, cleanliness, and organization. Bright colors have a great impact on products of telemarketing base, however, sometimes products fail to land the visuals perfectly and end up disappointing the customers. While other brands are busy using bright logos to stand out, you can use softer colors for minimalistic effects and great impacts.


What better way of creating a logo than incorporating your brand name in it? Logotypes are the brand logos that depend solely on the use of fonts to create elegant and clean art for your products. They mainly put the name of the brand as the focus of the design to make sure the audience knows their name. Although creative, their improper design and use can result in something bland and forgettable, which kills the whole point of developing a logo!

Some multiple other fonts and typography can be used in your logo design, but making sure they leave an impact on the audience’s memory is important. Logos are designed to keep the brand and business alive in the memories of customers so whenever they enter a store or website, they can identify your products within a blink of an eye. The more research you choose to put into your logo design, the better results you are to have.