

How to Fine-Tune Your Branding with Customer Experiences in 2023?

Best branding and customer experience present on the same spectrum, if one of them gets offline other vanishes at the same time. Branding is a seamless covenant that you sign with your customers and indicate with brand visuals such as logo and design. You can consider it as an idea in the mind of the […]

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Custom Food Packaging Design: 5 Essential Things You Need to Consider

No matter whether you are running a food or beverage business, the design of custom packaging plays an important role in influencing customers. According to a survey, more than 72% said that they prefer attractively designed packaging boxes for their products. Therefore, using well-designed packaging boxes can help you to bring more audience to your […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Minimalist Packaging

Do you ever get frustrated and awestruck by a product because of difficult packaging design? In a crowd of over-patterned and vibrant-colored packaging designs, go with minimal, soft-coloured, and dual-tone packaging that instantly catches your eye. A minimal packaging design also helps you to provide an attractive look to your products and greatly influences customers […]

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Packaging Redefined: Inspiring Ideas of Creative Packaging Design

Do you think that the trend of creative packaging is still alive when customers are preferring online shopping? According to statistics, yes it is alive, even customers are mainly looking for low-cost and free shipping from their companies but they also prefer creative packaging on standard ones. Almost half of the e-commerce stores of all […]

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6 Effective Strategies to Scale Up Your E-Commerce Business

According to the U.S Census Bureau News, E-commerce businesses in the first quarter of 2023 covered 15.1% of all US sales. In order to get benefit from such a high potential of E-commerce, you need a solid foundation which includes creating effective strategies that must be focused on your customers and provide them a consistent […]

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Top 5 E-commerce Business Models to Consider

Planning to invest in an e-commerce business? This is the best time to take a start-up and make the e-commerce company of your dreams. But before you need to understand what e-commerce business is, and which e-commerce business model can be beneficial for you.  The good news is, there are just a few e-commerce business […]

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Top 4 Affordable Custom Packaging Ideas You Should Consider

Started a new business and looking for the cheap but best packaging options for your products? Well, cheap packaging is a bold term that means to have a negative connotation. But it does not! If a type of packaging material is cheap, then it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s not good or worth using. In […]

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4 Most Famous Types of Paper Grade for Custom Packaging

The paper grade is crucial for businesses and products as it offers many unique benefits such as durability, strength, cost-effectiveness, etc. Different paper grades have different features and characteristics that will help your brand to customize the right custom packaging boxes that will benefit your brand by generating massive revenue. In this blog, we are […]

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Top 5 Tips and Tricks for Packaging a New Product

There is a phrase that people do judge a book by its cover. The same goes for product packaging. Now customers notice the packaging when they buy anything such as any gift, cloth, instrument, electronic item, and more. It wouldn’t be wrong if we say that product packaging puts a first impression on your customers […]

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Edible Packaging – The Fast Approaching Eco-Friendly Packaging Trend

Plastic has been used in the food industry, harming our natural environment for decades. As we know, sustainability becomes very important and several initiatives have been taken to reduce the production and dependence on plastic. But we have to consider many other alternatives to protect our environment. And using edible packaging is one of the […]

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5 Incredible Ways to Make Eco-Friendly and Sustainable E-Commerce Business

Sustainable and eco-friendly boxes are becoming a trend in the e-commerce business. Online retailers have been focusing more on ways to make their e-commerce business eco-friendly and sustainable because consumers are becoming environmentally conscious. According to Statista report, Global e-commerce sales will rise to $8.1 trillion in 2026. Therefore, no e-commerce business will miss this […]

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Tips and Tricks About How Labeling on Custom Packaging Can Boost Your Profits?

The scope of packaging is not only about enclosing the product. In this era, packaging serves far more important purposes. It speaks about the brand’s identity and encourages people to buy your product. Labeling on custom packaging helps you to tell shoppers how your products are unique and helpful for them. With a little knowledge […]

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