
Creating a Smart Packaging Plan for your Business

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: March 24, 2021

The effects of the current pandemic have not only been limited to businesses but the packaging industry as well. Due to excessive orders that were being placed online, businesses realized a shortfall of cardboard. This shortage was significantly high during the Christmas season as the sales started rising. Businesses have to grow more conscious of their packaging to face this shortage effectively.

Small changes bring about great results. Here is our list of tips on making your packaging a smart one and your brand more box clever:

Say no to Oversizing and Overpacking:

These two factors in packaging are the most popular mistakes made by brands and businesses. The first mistake to avoid is oversizing your packaging. Most retailers tend to pack products into boxes and cartons that are more spacious than needed. This can affect business in many ways; financial loss, waste of packaging materials, waste of resources, and unhappy customers.

A packaging that is too great in size as compared to the product, needs extra inserts to keep the product from moving and sustaining damage during transit. Thus it requires excessive use of cushioning materials or inserts. Besides being specified for fragile items, some businesses use protective cushions and packaging materials for items that are not likely to be damaged during shipment. This is also a waste of resources.

The most effective solution is to choose a packaging size that fits your products well. Leave enough extra space that can fit a minimal amount of packaging materials. Fitting sizes will not only help save up on your packaging costs but they can also help in reducing the costs coming from shipping unnecessarily shipping large cartons and parcels.

Invest in Packaging Made of Recycled Material:

The headlining trend in the packaging world is sustainability. Since the uproar of the general public due to the inverse effects of highly plastic-based packaging, businesses have started shifting towards eco-friendly options such as biodegradable and compostable packaging. Sustainable packaging may come with two drawbacks; they are comparatively less durable than other options and the stocks are not as plentiful, however, with strategy, you can make sure these problems do not occur for your business. For instance, if you are selling online or selling products that need not be kept in containers for long, you can choose sustainable packaging so the packaging does not have to accompany your products for that long. A solution for limited stocks can be early orders when available stocks are about to run out.

Reuse Your Packaging:

As prices for cardboards are rising, you can use your already used packaging and repurpose them. Recycling your pre-used cardboards after your stocks have been transferred to different points and locations can solidify your environmental stance. Corner protecting cardboards and delivery pallets that are still in good condition can be upcycled and used again. These options are a better replacement for plastics and foams. As the world grows, so do industries and brands. The sector that has the most attention currently is packaging. Online sell and buy activities have increased and so have the use of packaging and shipments, thus an effective alternative can help your brand go a long way.