
Custom Food Packaging Design: 5 Essential Things You Need to Consider

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: August 31, 2023

No matter whether you are running a food or beverage business, the design of custom packaging plays an important role in influencing customers. According to a survey, more than 72% said that they prefer attractively designed packaging boxes for their products. Therefore, using well-designed packaging boxes can help you to bring more audience to your food business.

Although it’s very challenging to create an attractive design for your food packaging boxes in this competitive market, but you can get help from these fundamental questions for food packaging design:  

  • How will customers use the packaging?
  • What will customers think after interacting with this packaging?
  • What information should be mentioned on the packaging for customers?
  • How will your packaging look and feel?

While these questions don’t tell you so much about how to design your packaging box, but at least they can give you an idea of Where to start.

Here are the five essential things you need to consider while designing custom food packaging boxes:

1. Food Security:

The first thing you need to consider while creating the design of custom food packaging boxes is food protection. You need to design a box in which the external environment doesn’t harm the food. Follow all food safety standards to increase the shelf life of the food. Additionally, make sure that you are adhering to the laws where food is being sold.

2. Packaging Material:

Another thing you need to consider is the food packaging material. The best quality packaging material will be able to protect your food from any exterior damage and environmental factors. Otherwise, low-quality material can decrease the shelf life of your food and also have a negative impact on your customers. You can use cardstock or corrugated material for dry foods. This packaging material also allows you to print about the “food ingredients” and “nutritional facts” which is a plus point for your brand. Furthermore, you can use plastic jars to pack condiments and liquids.

3. Provide Attractive Look:

Today, customers are well aware of “design ideas”, “graphics”, and “typography”. Therefore, they demand the same from their brands. You can use your “brand logo”, “vibrant colours”, and “attractive designs” to grab the attention of your customers. You can get help from any graphic designer to create a design that resonates with your food brand and provides an appealing look to your packaging boxes. Additionally, “do not forget to meet legal requirements and brand messages while creating an attractive design for your food packaging boxes”.

4. Sustainability:

 Sustainability is one of the important factors in designing custom food packaging boxes. Using sustainable packaging material helps you bring customers toward your brand. According to a survey, “more than 74% of Americans are willing to pay more for sustainable packaging boxes”. This is the reason; your food packaging must be a part of a sustainable lifecycle. Sustainable packaging is not about using cutting-edge materials. You can also use fibre-based material such as paper pulp is also a safe option for great packaging.

5. Add Ingredients and Nutritional Facts:

If you are doing a food business and not mentioning the ingredients and nutritional facts, you are violating the rules and laws of the government. So, this is important to mention the “nutritional facts” and “ingredients” on the packaging boxes to make things easier for your customers as well as follow the rules and regulations. Additionally, you can use “attractive typography” that looks amazing and provides a distinctive look to your food items as well.

Bottom Line:

Designing custom food packaging boxes is not similar to designing another type of packaging box. Due to the food safety standards, you need to follow all SOPs to create an attractive design for food packaging boxes. The ultimate goal of using custom food packaging boxes is to “get attention”, “provide information”, “give education”, and “convince customers” to buy your food items. Therefore, if you are running a food business and looking for the best quality custom food packaging boxes, you can contact Emenac Packaging Canada to get perfect packaging solutions.