Sale of cereals depends on many factors including the elegant display and presentation on retail shelves. As they are kept in simple displaying racks, so they got exposed to dirt particles, dust and other environmental factors that can ruin its charm and diffuse its elegance. This is why brands work hard and try different means to increase the shelf life of their cereals by keeping the beauty of its packaging preserved. For that purpose, you should choose Emenac Packaging’s dust proof custom cereal boxes that preserve the elegant outlook of your cereal packaging against dust particles and thus increases its shelf life by keeps its beauty preserved. We manufacture our cereal boxes from FDA approved highest quality materials that not only ensure the preservation of taste of your cereals but their lamination finishing stops the dust particles from staying on the box and thus its elegance will be saved and shelf life will be increased. Moreover, our sturdy Kraft cereal boxes are designed with such adroitness that ensure the separation of your maize cereals from harmful chemical reactions, dust particles, harmful bacteria, pests and rodents that keep your food has its original taste, aroma and quality which satisfy your customers and thus increases your goodwill.
Customers are very much concerned while buying cereal for their child as it can be hazardous for their health if it is expired or not. This is why they often read the ingredient details and expiry date before making a purchase. Moreover, cereal dose varies as per the age of child, so parents often look for dose detail over the packaging. To gain the trust of customers and provide them every relevant information they want, you should pack your cereals in custom cereal boxes with important information printed on them. Emenac Packaging provides you truly informational custom printed cereal boxes that not only provide your customers with ingredient details but also convey your business message to them and make them aware about the complete information about manufacturing and expiry date of your cereals and ensure them that it is qualitatively manufactured with detailed plan of ingredients that results in expanding your customer base and turning them into diehard fan of your cereals.
Brands are now a days to use new tools and techniques for the marketing and promotion of their business to increase their customers and grab a larger market share. Some brands are running promotional activities and some are focusing on television ads and other marketing campaigns. But for an effective and efficient branding of your business, you don’t need to jump in the sea of promotional activities. Just choose our custom printed cereal boxes with your brand logo printed on them and leave your competitors stunned. With enchantingly printed marketing tagline and beautifully engraved brand logo, these boxes increases your brand reputation, solidify your brand identity, strengthen its position in niche and gain the trust of customers while making them fall in love with your cereals. These exciting cereal boxes with logo turned out to be a perfect promotion contrivance for your cereal brand, make customers believe on quality & taste of your wheat cereal and trigger more sales opportunities while ensuring that your brand identity reaches the masses.
At Emenac Packaging, we create the full range of custom boxes in all custom colors, shapes and sizes right according to our client’s product requirements that help them to fulfill their variety of marketing needs. With our latest printing techniques, state of the art designing equipment and skilled in-house designers, we create such innovative, stylish and compelling custom cereal boxes that speak themselves for the product set inside and increase their value. These marvelous looking boxes set your products apart, grab the attention of audience, make them believe that your products are of highest quality, and influence their buying perspective in positive ways.
Emenac Packaging realizes the change of behavior & perceptions related to green packaging, this is why we offer eco-friendly and sustainable boxes made from recyclable paper that communicate to consumers the sustainability benefits of flexible packaging throughout its life cycle. For this, we have a pollution-free production plant and use uncoated print grades and cruelty-free inks to manufacture these boxes that are easily biodegradable and thus reduce environmental and ecological impact.
Every custom box we create is specially crafted from the highest of strength and sturdy cardboard material that perfectly aligns with the product packed inside them and keep them secure from impacts and abrasions. They are best to offer the maximum level of protection required for your product and act as a magnificent shock absorber to make sure your products stay in top form.
Get custom printed boxes to pack your product in a profound and ardent way. Emenac Packaging is the most professional and experienced packaging supplier company to facilitate the small and medium scale Canadian businesses with exceptional packaging solutions. We are using modern printing techniques and most efficient die cutting to create custom printed boxes that allow customers to bundle pack multiple products in one box to enjoy up-selling and promote discounted products. Every product has different packaging requirements, carefully and minutely considering the specific necessities, we provide exceptional packaging boxes that allow you to pack a single product in each box. We have our own printing set up that allows us to provide super-fast delivery of customized boxes for any instant promotional campaign offering product bundling or complementary offering for a certain time.
With Emenac Packaging you are guaranteed to get most-affordable custom packaging solutions that you cannot find elsewhere. No die cutting and zero set up charges alongside latest production techniques with zero human interference allows us to cut overhead expenses to provide highly competitive prices that keep your packaging budget minimum.
Need only few boxes or packaging supplies? We are the best company for you! We print any sized, shaped and styled box or packaging in any quantity you need. Minimum order quantities are usually 50 boxes with no upper limit. However, there is low minimum order limit of just one or two boxes as well.
Guaranteed fast turnarounds! Tailored boxes and packaging supplies are manufactured in our certified facilities located in Toronto, Canada or California, US and delivered through top partner courier service providers. Orders are shipped and delivered to your doorsteps in 14 business days or even less with rush order fulfillment!
No matter where you reside in the Canada and how many products you order, our one stop delivery system and our ambition to keep overall packaging prices minimum lets us offer free delivery to your location wherever you want, right on time.