How to Make Packaging Worthy of Social Media Sharing

Hashtags are one of the best ways for customers to find their desired products, services, and brands on social media platforms. For instance, there thousands of hashtags of unboxing on Instagram, this shows customers sharing their joyful experiencing uncovering their products and is an expression of being impressed by the packaging. Showing creativity with product packaging can pay back in several ways. Aside from exceptional user experience, it can help you gain recognition and popularity across social media platforms.
Unboxing has become a well-known part of the internet. As soon as a product is released by a popular brand, online entrepreneurs are quick in showcasing them on their accounts. This increases the excitement in the customers with enormous help from productive packaging. No one has ever done an unboxing of a product with dull packaging, have they? Here is our guide for making a packaging that is truly worth uncovering in front of an audience:
It’s All in the Details:
It is impossible to impress clients if you know nothing about them. Knowing every last detail about your customers, from their age, gender, and location to their interests, intrigues, and preferences are the best way to find the key components that can help you in fishing out your ideal customers. Let us consider a scenario where your target audience is teenagers, you cannot hope to catch their interest with the same strategies that you would use for grownups. Knowing your audience can not only help you in making more precise decisions but will guide you to targeting the right audience with the right accessories as well.
To think that 73% of customers share their information online to connect with people with similar interests, will tell you about the importance of your products being shared as well. If you have managed to impress one target enough to share your manufacture across their social media platform, you are certainly going to impress their connections as well.
Got Extra Space? Use It Creatively:
What do you do with the spaces that are left blank? The best thing to do is use them. Well, not all of it. Using blank spaces does not mean covering every inch of your packaging with designs, artworks, or fonts. However, using these spaces carefully can help you stand out in the crowd. You can find many such spots, such as the sides of your packaging or the flaps. You can use these spaces to tell your brand’s story or a little about the background. Some retailers use this opportunity to instruct customers how to assemble or use the product inside.
Step Your Tactile Game Up:
Although a texture is not something that can be offered to the audiences’ senses while they shop online, it can certainly be used to pleasure the customers’ senses once they are holding the packaging. This beyond-the-ordinary feeling will encourage the customers to leave positive trails of your products online. The ultimate tactile feeling of a box can deliver a sense of luxury and true compensation for the money they have paid. The packaging is the first step in creating a trusty connection between your brand and your customers, the first thing that catches the attention of your customers, and the very image of your brand. Utilizing product packaging to your advantage can help your business grow revenue and build a reputation.