
How to Make Your Cereal Packaging Memorable

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: May 25, 2021

Everyone knows breakfasts are incomplete without cereal crunches. These fiber-rich and nutritious snacks are used far and wide for breakfast due to their healthy composition. They are made from whole grains and varieties are plenty. From children to adults, there are cereal types that can fit both cravings perfectly. There are even cereal meals for animals and pets. The main components of cereals are mainly grains such as wheat, rice, maize, or barley. Additional flavors can include extra ingredients to make them more exciting.

There are several hundreds of different cereal brands. Most are well known and recognized by the customers. As soon as the customers enter the stores, it takes them no time in finding their favorite cereal. We have a few tips for your cereal boxes to have a similar effect on customers and never be forgotten, here they are:

The Design:

Customer’s eyes are locked on what they have not seen before and they are drawn to products that offer something new. Even using packaging that does not blend in with the others is a good way to captivate buyers. Your use of different color schemes can be decisive in the sales of your products. It is necessary to use colors that match the age of your customers since colors have a great influence on their buying choices.

Proper Marketing:

Marketing what you create is very important if you want it to sell. There are several ways of doing so, case in point, some brands that target young consumers choose to include collectible items in their cereal packaging. Once the customers have acquired a few, they are caught by the feeling of wanting to collect them all.

On the other hand, adults may need a different way of being drawn to your products. If your cereal products for adults, we suggest you add details onto your packaging that matter the most. For instance, mentioning the nutritional values and health benefits of your cereal is a good seller.

The functionality of the Packaging:

What makes packaging functional? Its protection of the products inside, their preservation, and ease of access. Most cereal boxes, once opened, cannot be sealed back properly after use. The cereal is exposed to moisture and air which results in the loss of freshness and crisp quality. The use of resealable boxes or zip containers for your cereal ensures your products’ integrity. Another reason for customers being left in rage by most cereal boxes is either the boxes are difficult to open or they are very fragile and easily torn.

Go Flexible:

Cereal companies are re-thinking their packaging strategies. Most have turned towards flexible packaging which can be considered the future of cereal packaging. Customer demands for sustainable options have brought the industries to the realization of their faulty packaging and newer ways of packaging are discovered to replace the old ones.

Since cereal is one of the most consumed edible items, it is necessary to not let your customers down. Several types of buyers are each looking for something they can rely on and your brand can offer it to them through considerate packaging.