How to Make Your Packaging Stand Out: 5 Custom Boxes Ideas?

  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Posted On: July 14, 2022
  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog

Have you ever wondered what your customers would think if they saw your products in a unique packaging made explicitly for them? Or how about if you were to package your products in a specific way?

Customers don’t have time to read lengthy product descriptions anymore. They need quick, clear, and to-the-point information about your products to make a purchase decision. Yet you may not be prepared for this challenge. If you’re struggling with how to pack your products effectively, consider trying out 5 creative custom packaging ideas that are sure going to help get customers’ first impression right.

Storytelling Custom Packaging is Trendy Nowadays:

Storytelling is a great way to add a personal touch to your business. It’s also a great way to ensure that your customers remember you and your products, which can be challenging when selling products online.

Custom printed boxes are one of the easiest ways to tell stories about your brand, and they’re also one of the most cost-effective ways. Custom printed boxes can be made in various sizes and shapes, so they’re perfect for all kinds of businesses—whether it’s an artisan pizza shop or a yoga studio, there are plenty of options!

You can also choose from a wide range of materials—from recycled corrugated cardboard boxes to custom-printed Kraft boxes. You’ll find everything from bright-colored boxes with custom printed borders and labels to simple black ones with just your name on them. The possibilities are endless!

Everyone Loves Simplicity:

Custom printed packaging is an integral part of the product as it helps the customer to feel that they are getting a unique product. With minimalism, you can create the perfect packaging boxes for your products. The key is using suitable quality materials and print designs that match your brand and product line.

Consider Using Fun Factors in Your Custom Boxes:

First, think about your audience—what do they like? Then, create something that will appeal to them. For example, if you make wedding invitations, add ribbons or bows on top of the paper around the product to look more decorative than just plain white paper. If you sell shoes, try adding glittery stickers on the bottom or sides of boxes so they’ll look extra special when they come out of the box at their final destination (the couple’s home).

Another way to add personality and fun factors is by using different colors for different products in the same line. For example, if you sell pens and pencils and each pen has a different color on its tip—perhaps green or blue—that would be a great way to give each pen its unique identity and make sure everyone knows which one belongs with which product!

Custom Labels and Stickers Can Make a Difference:

Custom Labels or Stickers are a great way to increase the value of your custom-printed boxes, and they can help you differentiate your brand from your competitors. Here are some reasons why you should use them:

  • Custom labels and stickers offer more information than just the name of your product
  • Adding custom labels and stickers increases the chances that customers will remember the brand name of your company when they’re shopping online
  • Custom labels and stickers make it easier for customers to identify their products in a crowded store aisle or on a crowded shelf at the grocery store
  • Custom labels and stickers allow you to make sure that all your products are clearly labeled so that customers know exactly what they’re buying when they walk into your store
  • Custom labels and stickers give people an easy way to leave feedback about their experience at your business in case something goes wrong with their order or if there’s something about their experience with you that made them feel uncomfortable

Use Packaging Shapes and Design According to Your Product theme:

When it comes to custom printed boxes, you want to ensure that your product is protected from any potential damage and looks its best in design intellect. There are a few different ways you can accomplish this goal:

  • Use unique shapes and designs for your custom printed packaging.
  • Design your packaging in a way that will make people want to buy your product right away!
  • Make sure that your packaging is easy to open and tamper-proof.
  • Always go for branded packaging that reflects your brand, colors, fonts, or the whole packaging design.