How to Make Your Product Packaging More Sustainable and Safe?

  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Posted On: September 22, 2022
  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog

Packaging has become a solid prevalent thing in our lives. The sort of products we use every day from food items to medicines, everything that reaches our door or comes in our hands is in packed form.

The creation and consumption of millions of products and plastic packaging aid in producing more waste on the earth. This leads to environmental pollution, changing the air quality from good to worst, and even taking part in climate change.

Businesses are trying to pack their products in eco-friendly and sustainable custom packaging boxes to reduce their carbon footprint. Let’s learn five amazing ways that can help your business make your packaging more sustainable and earth friendly.

Using Recyclable Material:

One of the best ways to make your packaging more product friendly and sustainable is that you can adopt custom-printed boxes, made from recycled paper materials. Kraft packaging boxes are the best choice when it comes to reducing the environmental impact of packaging.

You can choose Kraft material if your customers are environmentally conscious. You can even print “Go Green” and other recycling signs on your custom packaging to show your motive toward the betterment of the environment.

Utilize Innovative Materials:

Innovative means something new. If we talk about this term in packaging, then here it means using those materials which are biodegradable and recycled.

Biodegradation is a natural form of the recycling process, in which material gets decomposed and broken down under certain conditions naturally on its own.

Custom cardboard, Kraft, and Paper are those materials that are easiest to work with and are most commonly used by the manufacturers for customized packaging. A lot of consumers already know that these materials are recyclable and biodegradable.

A type of plastic, bioplastic, which is chemically made with matter from trees, potato starch, and cotton, decomposes itself when it is exposed to sunlight.

So if you see a lot of paper and cardboard as waste, don’t think it’s going to stay there. It will be recycled on its own in either factories or under the sun.

Reduce Volume for Custom Packaging:

This step is a very small one in efforts for reducing waste but if it can be incorporated it can do wonders which we can’t see but it is helpful.

When a company puts a product in a box, they take big boxes for a small product and fill in the rest of the space with papers, foam, and bubble sheets. This form of packaging is completely wrong and should be discarded by the packaging industry.

Instead, design custom packaging boxes with limited space only for the product and put it in the cardboard so that it is kept safe from external damages.

Reducing volume in wholesale packaging is a clever solution that not only decreases packaging waste but is also very economical as it lowers the cost of materials and the quantity used in the manufacturing process.

Incorporate Reusable Packaging:

How would you feel if I tell you that you can use your packaging along with your product for a long time? Sounds good, right?

This is a new solution that has been introduced in the industry to reduce waste contribution. The packaging of a product can be reused and molded into a form that you can consume.

One example of this kind is the famous clothing brand H&M, which showed us their creativity and innovation. They are selling their clothes in a cardboard bag which is made and designed in a particular way that it can be used as a hanger for your clothes. This is a brilliant idea from a big brand like H&M which introduced a clean method of reusing your packaging to reduce waste.

This is the reason why most companies deliver their goods in cardboard boxes because they are easily printable and reusable.

Choose an Eco-Friendly Supply Chain:

We have talked about packaging materials, how it is made and how they can be decomposed but an important aspect that has been left is choosing an eco-friendly supply chain.

We should know that the manufacturers of our packaging company are using sustainable materials and methods for producing our bespoke packaging. How are they using their efforts to keep the environment clean?

An eco-friendly supply chain will manufacture your packaging using the green solution and clean sources of energy so that energy waste is least and they don’t release any waste materials into the environment.

Final words:

In today’s competitive market where most brands are trying hard to sell their products, they should consider the huge responsibility of saving our planet and its resources too.

The more we use a sustainable and safe method of production of products and packaging, the better we will be able to run it longer in the future, saving our planet and its environment.