
POP Displays: A Great Way to Sell Your Retail Products

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: February 1, 2021

Point of purchase displays is the most efficient idea to implicate in retail stores. Using beautified POP displays makes purchasing and selling favorable for the buyers and retailers, alike. Their benefits are numerous and they also help customers and sellers build affection for your brand. A study into POP displays shows their increased generation of revenue in retail stores by 20%. Their display over the counter turns them into small reminders for the customers about what they need to buy. Another importance they have is how they can attract customers inside the stores and provoke their impulsive trait of buying.

Here are a few ways that POP displays help you in selling your retail products:

A Support for Your Packaging:

Sometimes it is difficult to display all the details of your product on the small packaging. This can be due to the small size of your labels or boxes. POP displays are a good way of giving detailed information about your products and their benefits. This creates support for your product packaging and fills the areas of shortcoming left by it. Another benefit comes as a backup for your branding; they display your brand logo in a larger proportion helping the audience locate your products easily. POP displays also provide a convenient and attractive display for the products.

An Attraction for Impulsive Buyers:

As much as POP displays fascinate the buyers, they can also influence their purchase. Impulsive buyers are often tempted by and easily attracted towards POP displays with an urge to buy the small packs. With a well-dressed advertisement for the products, chances of customer purchase increase while they are still in the buying zone. With compact packaging, it is more likely for the products to sit in the affordability range of customers while they are about to close their wallets.

This is also an impactful step in drawing customers that are eager to try something new. While shopping, customers tend to buy things they had not the intention of purchasing when they came. However, an attractive display can encourage them into trying out your quality products that can get them hooked on.

Selling Assistant for Retailers:

Retailers love POP display boxes because of their lightweight and ease of displacement. They can arrange the display boxes in an assortment of their desire and place them anywhere they feel convenient. Companies keep in mind space and time retailers are willing to dedicate to your products for sufficient promotion.

Placing Your Products in the Right Spot:

Over the store shelves, products get very small opportunities to shine among the clutter of competing products. With POP displays, your products get their dedicated spot and their chance to shine in a spot solely dedicated to them. Most POP displays are designed in ways that allow them to be hung or attached at the end of shelves, this way customers can discover your products in various spots and also get the chance to interact with them.

Using POP display boxes can generate customer indulgence and familiarity with your products. Brands and companies, that are in the trial phase of their business, tend to use this strategy to test how far will their products succeed. Ignoring the power of POP displays can be a naïve mistake that businesses cannot afford to make.