The Ultimate Guide to Customizing the Ideal hair extension Packaging

  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Posted On: January 3, 2023
  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog

If you are running a hair extension business, you must effectively customize your custom hair extension packaging.

Many customers hesitate to buy hair extensions because the packaging is not attractive and convincing. Customers would think that the quality of hair extensions is low just because it is not ideally packed in high-quality custom hair extension boxes.

Here is the ultimate guide to customizing the ideal hair extension packaging to get more sales.

1. Match it to your hair extension brand

The color scheme of your hair extension packaging should be according to your brand theme and product specifications. Customize it to a combination of dark and light colors.

Hair extension color (like black, brown, or gray) printing on the packaging is also important for the customer to get a better idea of hair extension color. This will help in satisfying customers’ doubts and they will happily purchase the product.

2. Add a logo

A brand logo is the identity of your product. It should be printed on your hair extension packaging so that it can get your brand the recognition it deserves.  

You can make your brand’s logo more prominent on the hair extension packaging, by adding various coating options like embossing or debossing.

3. Packaging Styles for Hair Products

You can choose rectangle box packaging style, window or display boxes, hang tab boxes, or cardboard window boxes to pack your products. Adding unique, stylish, and chic box packaging styles to your hair extension boxes will help your product stand out from the rest and potential customers might want to give your products a try.

4. Size and shape

You should customize your hair extension packaging in the proper size and shape. It should also be according to the size of the hair extension’s length and width. Too fit or too loose custom packaging will decrease the charm of your wigs.

You can also add uniqueness by customizing your hair extension packaging by adding a window (hair shape or plain etc.) or You may also add a hang tab style to hang your hair extensions.

5. Use eco-friendly materials to reduce your carbon footprint

Choosing eco-friendly packaging material for your products can help your brand stay on top of your competitors. When potential customers perceive your products packed in Kraft packaging boxes, they will get a sight of surprise that your company cares about the environment.

Make sure you are using die-cut kraft packaging boxes or window kraft boxes to pack your hair products. This will not only help the environment stay clean and green but also help your product sell more.