
Top 3 Reasons To Choose Cardboard Boxes For The Halloween Festivity

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: October 11, 2021

Do you know the origin of the traditional Halloween custom “trick or treat” ?

In the mid-1800 when the Irish immigrants settled on Canadian soil they also brought their unique traditions along with them. It included dressing up in kooky costumes and moving from door to door to collect sweets from the neighbors. And in case if they were not handed over their favorite candies so they were ready to pull a prank. Well, the choice is yours either you get a safe passage by giving them candies or be ready for the kid’s mischievous act.

Either you want to make kids happy with their favorite candies or want to make it more mystical with spooky surprise so the custom Halloween packaging boxes are all good to go. No doubt the best packaging material for designing custom boxes is cardboard material and it continues to remain a popular customer and brands choice because of its durability, cost-effectiveness, and versatility.

Moreover, if it’s a promotional event, birthday party or wedding ceremony the custom packaging boxes are the best to make your dear ones feel special and valued. Similarly, the much-awaited Halloween day can be made magical and phenomenal with custom Halloween boxes to grab the attention of the kids, adults, and even senior citizens.

So let us check out the following top three reasons to choose cardboard packaging material for the Halloween festival:

Mystical Color Schemes:

No doubt colors not only bring life to the packaging boxes but also helps to distinguish your products from the competitors. Therefore, to give a scary and creepy look to the Halloween boxes the color scheme is of paramount importance.

 For example, the use of orange color looks vibrant and eye-catching to the customers and adds a spark to the packaging boxes. Similarly, black is one of the most popular color choices this season as it sets the right tone and mood for the spooky night. Moreover, the purple color can also be used as it’s associated with witches, magic, and supernatural beings.

Hence, the use of popular colors enhances the overall ambiance and keeps the haunting spirit alive.

Eye-Catching Typeface:

Certainly font size and design are as important as the color of the packaging boxes. Therefore, to create an ever-lasting impression on the minds of the customer and to convince them that the product is worth purchasing the typeface holds great importance.

Therefore, the use of the rugged scratched, or drippy font is a fantastic idea to make your packaging look prominent on the retail shelves and instantly grab the attention of the customers.

The cardboard customization options are limitless which gives full freedom and liberty to the brands to showcase their creativity and potential to the fullest. Hence, a perfect balance of color, graphics, and font is like an arrow that never misses its target.

Captivating Halloween Symbols:

As Halloween is characterized by monsters, graveyards, witches, and skeletons so the smart incorporation of these icons is the perfect way to add mystery and horror to the packaging boxes. Moreover, the cardboard customization options are limitless which gives full freedom and liberty to the brands to showcase their creativity and potential to the fullest.

Hence, the use of befitting color, scary visuals, and eroded fonts is a must to get the right feel and make your Halloween packaging boxes stand out.