
Top 5 Custom Packaging Trends to Watch Out for in 2024

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: October 26, 2023

Product packaging is the first thing through which your customers will be attracted to your brand. If you do your business product packaging by complying with all the latest and unique trends, you will get a better place in the market.

Packaging businesses have been revolutionized just because of the change in customer preferences, promoting the sustainability element and technological advancements.

As we will go to 2024 after two months, several innovative packaging trends have been prepared to shape the packaging business industry and redefine the way products are being packaged and presented to customers.

What are Custom Packaging Trends?

Custom packaging trends include all such trends in which you promote your business by adapting the latest packaging designs that not only maintain better client retention but also differentiate your brands from others.

By following such packaging trends, you have a better opportunity to attract your customers and promote an eco-friendly environment. Your customers will really appreciate such efforts and promote your business by purchasing the different products from you.

In this blog post, we are going to explore 5 of the best custom packaging trends to keep an eye on in the coming year.

1. Sustainability:

Sustainability is the first custom packaging trend that continues to be on the list of successful packaging trends. In 2024, we can expect that there must be a strong emphasis on sustainability by using eco-friendly materials and reducing plastic use. Now, packaging brands increasingly opt for such packaging materials which ultimately minimize the environmental impact.

2. Integrate Smart Packaging:

Smart packaging that includes QR codes and sensors is increasingly becoming popular and integrate by different packaging businesses. Such type of packaging gives your customer an interactive experience such as knowing about the product information easily from outside the packaging box. In 2024, we will expect further advancements in everyday packaging.

3. Go for the Minimalism Approach:

When you opt for a minimalist packaging design for the packaging of your business products, you can easily attract all those customers who seek simplicity.

Custom packaging boxes with fewer graphics, clean lines, and eco-friendly choices in both packaging design and material will promote the latest packaging trend. In 2024, packaging businesses with the minimalist approach will not only be successful but also attract their clients.

4. Personalized Packaging:

You not only limit the customization to the product itself in fact, customization extends to the packaging. In 2024, we can expect various personalized packaging options, allowing customers to personalize their product visuals to their choice.

With the personalized packaging efforts, you can see that this trend promotes the unique and creative unboxing experience among your customers. So, don’t skip this custom packaging trend in the upcoming year as this trend will satisfy your clients.

5. Use Innovations in Food Packaging:

Innovation plays an important role in the food packaging needs. In food packaging, consumers usually demand freshness. For the packaging of different food products, it’s recommended to use absorbent pads that not only extend the product’s shelf life and packaging but also customers will easily know when the food is near expiration.

Final Thoughts!

Packaging businesses are transforming their businesses through determined by technological advancements, customer choices, and eco-friendly environment impact.

Packaging brands that adopt such custom packaging trends not only fulfill their client’s requirements but also make the way to go for a sustainable and long-lasting future for the business.

In such a competitive era, it’s important for businesses to follow these trends and meet the client’s needs and preferences in 2024 and hereafter. If you want such custom packaging trends from now to boost your business sales and attract customers, give Emenac Packaging Canada a try.