
Top Trends that are Shaping the Future of Packaging Industries

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: April 27, 2021

Every year is a new opportunity to change the trends and set new ones, ones that are more beneficial to your brand. However, there are universal trends that just keep growing and there is no end in sight to their rise. Some trends tend to shape entire industries and make businesses rethink their productions and processes all over again. For instance, the sustainability trend has industries, be it technology or food, redesigning and redoing their packaging options since the last ones were too wasteful.

Similar to this factor, several others are calling for a change in the packaging industry and the attempts are being made:


Due to the current pandemic, customers have started a gigantic wave of online shopping. Their purchases start from local brands and online stores to international ones. Businesses will soon require fulfillment services abroad and packaging suppliers may as well need to provide for international businesses as well. Although, the entire “setting up in a new country” is not as easy as it might sound. Since your business will be investing a heavy amount in this opportunity, any wrong step taken can be a lethal blow to your finances.

Therefore, packaging suppliers are starting from neighboring countries first since they have familiarity with the market. Challenges will be faced in the shape of inadequate workers but that can be dealt with once the branch is completely taken over.

Tech Infusion:

Technology has made everything in our lives so much easier, from calculations to connections everything has been touched by this light. When it comes to the packaging industry, it is no different. Packaging boxes and wrappers are continually improved to make them responsive to mobile technology. For example, some packaging has QR codes that allow customers to access all sorts of information about their products or even directly reach out to the manufacturers. Sometimes companies use them in different promotional campaigns and competitions in an attempt to increase sales. The most useful feat of these codes is also their use in verification of the legitimacy of the products. A quick scan can let you know if the products you are about to buy are original or not.

Digital Prints:

It comes as no surprise that digital printing is added to this list since several companies have started to change their packaging choices. With the increasing demand for some products, companies are looking for packaging solutions that take a shorter time. Digital printing is the best solution to this time problem. This means digital printing will no longer be used for individual printing and will be used for mainstream purposes as well. There are attempts of improving the processes and procedures that are involved to speed up the process even further.

Product Protection:

Retailing demands keep increasing by the day. Their specified needs and requirements for packaging keep pushing the boundaries of the packaging industries. For instance, when it comes to food packaging, the printed containers are supposed to not only keep away any pathogens or outside entities but also keep their colors and components from mixing up with the products. This makes the job a bit tougher and complicated.

The customer demands and retail markets are increasingly changing the packaging game. As a result, packaging suppliers have to keep up with them to stay in the game. This creates an ever flow of change and improvement in the industry.