
What Are The 3Ps Of The Packaging Protocol?

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: August 31, 2021

Do you know that good packaging protects your product and great packaging protects your brand?

Always remember that standard packaging can do wonders for your brand on so many different levels and investing in quality packaging is a total game-changer and a memorable experience that you don’t want to miss on!

No doubt the product packaging is the lifeline of any business and is the very first thing that the customers notice about the product. Hence it needs to be given special attention because it not only protects the product from damage but it is an incredible marketing tool that delivers the company’s message and values to the target audience.

Therefore, for providing exceptional and extraordinary services to the customers the companies need to know the following 3Ps of the packaging protocol:

  • Protection
  • Preservation
  • Presentation


The primary purpose of packaging is to protect the products either their heavy-duty or lightweight material. Since the e-commerce industry is on the rise due to the global pandemic so it has automatically increased the demand for custom packaging as well. Therefore, the companies are trying hard to meet the ever-increasing demands and the needs of the customers to win their hearts.

Most of the time companies overlook this point that eventually damages their reputation and credibility in the long run. Moreover, the customers can’t tolerate the breakage and wear and tear of their products therefore packaging is meant to protect the product against contamination, humidity, extreme temperature, and pressure.

Therefore, prioritizing quality packaging not only protects the product but also turns the satisfied customers into loyal ones.


What would be your reaction if you open a food packaging box and find your product stale and smelly? It will not only ruin your mood but also costs the business in the long run.

As the packaging industry deals with a plethora of products like clothing, food, pharmaceutical, automobiles, and fragile items so the demand for customized boxes is always on the rise. Hence it is important to focus on packaging design according to the product type to preserve its freshness and texture in the long run.

If the companies ignore this packaging protocol so it will take seconds for the brand to end up in hot water.


Do you know what makes your product hit in the market? Yes, it the packaging as it speaks volumes for itself.

The customers are always looking forward to an exciting and thrilling unboxing experience therefore the companies are trying their level best to impress the customers and increase their fan base. They are pretty much aware of the fact that the product packaging is the most important factor that helps the customers in making an informed decision.

Yes, the first impression is the last, and overlooking this aspect can cause damage to a company’s reputation and business in the long run. The packaging needs to be enough attractive to grab the attention of the customers and they can’t help but purchasing your product. As the customers are always looking for a bang for their investments hence they want to make sure that’s it worth it.

As the customers are always looking forward to an exciting and memorable unboxing experience. Therefore, the incorporation of the packaging protocol makes your product stand out in the highly competitive market and increases the list of loyal customers.