What Small Businesses Need to Know About Custom Packaging in Bulk? |

What Small Businesses Need to Know About Custom Packaging in Bulk?

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: October 3, 2022

Every small business owner knows the importance of custom packaging and that is why they incorporate it in their products to stand out in the market.

A business can’t have a proper name and identity in the consumer’s mind if they don’t have good customized packaging.

Nobody wants huge numbers of packaged boxes lying wasted on the floor just because the packaging company didn’t do well in finishing your order.

You might be busy running your orders and supplying them to the customers but you shouldn’t forget the important things you should keep in mind before ordering a bulk of your custom packaging.

Here, we have shared five things you need to look for when buying customized packaging:

Find a Local Packaging Supplier:

Isn’t it best, if you find a good local packaging supplier?

A company that works for supplying packaging in your own country would have a lot of benefits that you might not recognize at the start. First, you will get the standard price for your order which every small business owner wants and you will get the delivery of your packaging in a very short time.

International packaging suppliers will take 3-5 months in shipping your order which is way too long and it is not profitable for a small business runner.

Also communicating with your supplier becomes easy and approachable if you partner with a local packaging supplier.

Customized Boxes with Logo:

The logo of a brand is its identity on top of a box and it is a very important part of a packaged box.

A good packaging company will always take care of your brand’s logo and would make sure that it looks amazing on the custom packaging.

Customized boxes with logo on it give a professional appeal to your product and a packaging company should always work hard in creating the best logo design for your business.

Look for Bulk Prices:

You further need to look out for one more important thing when placing the order for your custom packaged boxes.

The wholesale price of your custom boxes should be economical. Keep in mind your order and then evaluate how much the manufacturers are charging you for your bespoke packaged box.

You can also look for that packaging company that will often give you a cut-price on your wholesale order.

Good Customer Service:

How would you like if you order something and you get a bland and tedious response?

Many packaging companies are trying hard to get new orders from their customers but they lack in one major step towards a great business deal and that is securing an order with good customer service.

Effective customer service is a sign of running a reputed business in the packaging industry.

When placing your custom packaging boxes order you need to make sure that the way they handle your orders and queries is good enough or not.

Trusting a packaging company with good customer service will be a smooth flow of business between you and your suppliers.

Don’t forget Free Shipping:

Free is the most eye-catching word we would read anywhere. This word automatically gives us the feeling that we need to make a purchase.

When a brand or any other supplier gives us the option of free shipping we are most likely to buy from them. A good packaging supplier will always provide you with a free shipping option for your customized packaging boxes.

The free shipping offer will lower your budget cost more efficiently and you will get your ordered customized packaged boxes just like you wanted but at a less price.

Over to You:

Choosing a good supplier for your customized packaging is quite a difficult step but we have made it easy for you to figure out how can you pick the best packaging company to take care of your customized packaged boxes.