
Why Child-Resistant Packaging is Important for your Business

  • Written by: Emenac Packaging Canada
  • Category: Blog
  • Posted on: February 4, 2021

Certain companies and manufacturers are required to make their product packaging child-resistant, by law. This includes household companies such as home appliances, pharmaceuticals, and cleaning products, etc. The advancing world has many products of daily use that can pose a threat to children if not properly secured. This brings companies to come up with various ways of packaging products in a way that can only be accessed by adults. Using this technique, packaging companies help businesses make their products safe for clients as well as protect their brand image against any liabilities.

Here, we will highlight the importance that child-resistant packaging hold for the safety of your customers as well as a business:

For Consumer Safety:

The most vital role child restricted packaging plays in the industry is towards the safety of customers. It does not matter if your target market is local families or large-scale businesses, with the presence of a toddler around, everything can change. Toddlers go through different phases as they are growing up; from putting everything in their mouths and wandering off to trying to understand things by getting involved with them. Under such situations, if your products are not meant for children or can be potentially harmful without adult supervision, you need to safeguard their wellbeing through proper packaging. One such example is the pharmaceutical industry; most bottle containers for pills and other medications have a cap opening system-specific and for adults that toddlers cannot normally open.

Sometimes this feat is accomplished by proper labeling of the product packaging that instructs the adult consumers about the hazards of the product to children and their safe storage. For instance, the newly legalized cannabis law requires the packaging to be opaque and re-sealable. The reasons are to keep the cannabis product out of sight and to allow sealing after use to preserve freshness and so children may not access it with ease.

Business Security:

Nothing shouts inconsiderate more than a business that does not pay attention to customer concerns. Making secure packaging for your products is a way of expressing concern for customers’ wellbeing and their requirements. It causes damage to your brand image if your clients are given any reason to blame your products for any dilemmas or inconveniences. When customers purchase a product of your business, it shows their trust and reliability in your expertise. Proper packaging of merchandise to keep children safe from harm is one such example. Businesses are required by law to make their products secure if they contain the potential of harming children; the state can take action against companies that ignore these laws and do not include safety measurements and child-proof accessions.

The use of such packaging features allows you to protect your brand from loss or adverse feedback from customers and gain their trust. Furthermore, this type of packaging can be brought to life creatively with the help of experts to better raise your revenue in the market against competitors, whether local or international.